Chapter 1501

Seeing all this, Ouyang Jue raised his eyebrows thoughtfully. These people died so simply and neatly, which shows that they were cultivated warriors since childhood, and those who can cultivate such warriors are often from aristocratic families.

So these people must have been sent by some great family, but what is the relationship between these people and Chu Yunxi?
Ouyang Jue frowned and looked at Chu Yunxi, walked all the way to stand in front of Chu Yunxi.

"Why did those people kill you?"

Chu Yunxi shook her head: "I don't know."

"Okay, let's go back."

Ouyang Jue didn't think that Chu Yunxi didn't know, but he couldn't force her if she didn't tell her.

After hearing Ouyang Jue's words, Chu Yunxi turned around and left, this time she didn't even go to Yaofeng.

Later, the peak master of Yaofeng couldn't stop her from asking about the nourishing lotion, because something happened to her.

Ouyang Jue, the patriarch of Tianqing Sect, has been looking thoughtfully at Chu Yunxi who left, feeling that Chu Yunxi is somewhat mysterious.

Just as he was thinking, a subordinate suddenly came over quietly behind him and reported in a low voice: "Sovereign, the emperor sent someone to deliver a letter."

After the subordinates finished speaking, they handed over the letter in Ouyang Jue's hands.

Ouyang Jue opened the letter and glanced at it, then his face changed. He looked up at the woman who had disappeared in front of him, his face was full of surprise.

Chu Yunxi is really hiding something.

She turned out to be Princess Su who was going to marry King Su, and she turned out to be the mysterious imperial alchemist in the black market who could refine sixth-level pills.

There are not many such powerful alchemists even in Tianqing Sect.

Ouyang Jue's complexion changed, and the masters of the four peaks beside him said worriedly: "Sect Master, what happened, what instructions can the Emperor have?"

Ouyang Jue shook his head and asked, "Do you know who Chu Yunxi is?"

Several people shook their heads, Ouyang Jue: "She is the woman who wants to marry King Su."

"What, she is the future Princess Su, how could King Su like her."

Elder Ge, who was standing behind the master of the four peaks, was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that King Su said that Ye Yuchen was someone else's business. It seems that it was Chu Yunxi who was really someone else.

Elder Ge's whole body is not well. Chu Yunxi won't take revenge on her after becoming Princess Su. The more I think about it, the more afraid I become.

Ouyang Jue said with a smile, "There is one more thing that you may not dare to think about. She is the imperial alchemist behind the black market."

"What, imperial mortal refining master."

The master of Danfeng was shocked, he is only a king-rank alchemist right now, and the three elders of Danfeng are emperor-rank alchemists.

But they have all lived to be a hundred years old, how old is this Chu Yunxi, and he is actually an imperial alchemist.

God, it's incredible.

Not only the master of Danfeng, but also the masters of other peaks were also surprised. Among them, the master of Yaofeng muttered: "This woman is really evil. The beauty lotion she made before is no less effective than pills, but afterward I Made it according to the formula she used, and found that it didn't have that effect at all, so what's going on?"

The master of Yaofeng was puzzled, while the master of Tianqing sect had a headache. He looked up and scanned everyone present.

"Okay, now everyone knows that Chu Yunxi will become Princess Su, and she is also recognized by the emperor, so you should be more polite to her in the future, and don't let this matter out."

After Ouyang Jue finished speaking, he stopped talking about Chu Yunxi, but pointed to the destroyed place in front of him and said with a sullen face.

"My Tianqing Sect has become a lot looser recently. People always come and leave whenever they want."

"This shows that there may be a problem with the barrier around our Tianqingzong, so everyone has recently tried to find a way to re-strengthen the barrier and add some new designs to prevent outsiders from entering. If such a thing happens again, we can It's embarrassing."


(End of this chapter)

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