Chapter 1514

He Yunhe chuckled, and said sarcastically: "So you didn't choose me at the beginning, not because of love, but because of inferior power?"

Before Chu Yunxi could speak, he took two steps and looked at Chu Yunxi in pain and said, "Why did you become like this?"

Chu Yunxi raised his eyes and said with a smile that was not a smile: "We are all changing, aren't we? What's so strange about this, do you think you are still the sunny boy back then? You are almost like a ghost now."

He Yunhe heard Chu Yunxi's words, and said fiercely: "That sunny boy was destroyed by your own hands."

Chu Yunxi just thought it was funny, if she used to have some pity for him and felt that she killed him, but now she doesn't think so, some people are destined to fall into the abyss, not because of her.

"You are so ridiculous. Do I have to like you if you like me? If I don't like you, am I committing a big crime? People like you are terribly paranoid and always blame others for bad reasons You never know how to reflect on yourself, so you have come to where you are today, all because of the paranoia in your mind."

He Yunhe chuckled, he looked at Chu Yunxi and said, "Do you think that if you marry Xia Houming, you will live a life of a master, I'll wait to see you live a good life?"

After He Yunhe finished speaking, he suddenly heard the sound of footsteps coming from behind, he moved and walked away.

From behind, Chu Yunxi stared at the leaving figure with deep eyes, and remained motionless for a long time.

Yan Heng happened to come over from behind, and she could see some worry on her face at a glance. Yan Heng didn't know that He Yunhe had appeared just now, so she asked worriedly: "Xi'er, what's wrong?"

Chu Yunxi turned to look at Yan Heng, frowned worriedly and said: "He Yunhe appeared just now, this person is terribly paranoid now, and I found that the aura on his body is the aura of a demon cultivator. Ouyang Jue is doing things, so we have to be careful, and besides, you must not reveal any clues about yourself."

If Xia Houjin recognized Yan Heng's identity, she would not be too worried, but if He Yunhe knew that Xia Houjin of the Phoenix Empire was actually Yan Heng, He Yunhe would definitely report to the emperor immediately, so Yan Heng You must not let him know your identity.

After listening to Chu Yunxi's words, Yan Heng realized why she had a sad face. It turned out that it was because of that guy He Yunhe, who must have said something that made people angry, so Xi'er's face was so ugly.

Yan Heng stretched out his hand to hold Chu Yunxi, and led her all the way to the main residence of the palace.

"Okay, don't worry about me, I'll be fine."

Yan Heng took Chu Yunxi to rest in the courtyard where the two of them lived, and the servants of the palace who could be seen everywhere along the way were respectful to Chu Yunxi, not daring to show any disrespect.

His Royal Highness Su Wang has an unpredictable temperament and kills people like hemp, but now he loves the new princess very much, so which one of them dares to find it uncomfortable.

Not only these servants, but also the women in the palace have settled down, no one dares to touch Chu Yunxi casually, even the princess can't touch that woman, how can they move.
What's more, now they also know that Princess Su is an imperial alchemist. Oh my god, an imperial alchemist, no wonder the prince would rather marry her than the Qi family's daughter as his concubine.

Yan Heng ignored these women in the palace. Right now, his whole body and mind were on Chu Yunxi's body. Seeing that Xi'er was by his side right now, he felt relieved a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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