Chapter 1522

This woman is Yan Sheng's wife, and she is also a subordinate of Yan Heng Yange, no matter what, she can't chill the hearts of her subordinates, right?

Qingyan went out, and led a woman in after a while.

This woman is really beautiful, with a plump figure, a charming and charming face, and a charming attitude of a woman in her gestures. Not to mention a man, even as a woman, she feels that looking at her is a kind of enjoyment, which really makes people feel It is pleasing to the eye, so even if this woman is pregnant, it will not affect her appearance in the slightest.

In the room, Chu Yunxi just looked at the woman in front of him, but didn't notice the woman's discomfort and worry at all.

This woman's name is Liu Shuang, she is a member of Yan Heng Yang Pavilion, she was taught by Yan Sheng himself, and later she and Yan Yan fell in love with each other, so she married Yan Sheng, and now she happened to be pregnant, and her pregnancy month was shorter than that of Chu Yun Xi has grown up for more than a month, but their stomachs are about the same size.

"I have seen the princess."

Liu Shuang knew that the person in front of her eyes was the woman the prince cared about the most. If she offended this woman, not only her, but also her own man would be in trouble.

Chu Yunxi nodded and beckoned Liu Shuang to come and sit down. When Liu Shuang came over, she took Liu Shuang's hand and said seriously: "You are so beautiful. Captain Yan has earned a lot of money."

Liu Shuang's face turned red all of a sudden, it turned out that the princess could still joke.

"Princess really knows how to joke."

Chu Yunxi said seriously: "I'm not joking, Yan Sheng really made money by marrying such a beautiful wife, by the way, what's your name?"

"If you go back to the princess, my name is Liu Shuang."

Anna May was much more at ease and smiled more.

Chu Yunxi looked at Liu Shuang's stomach, and asked with concern, "How many months have you been?"

"Almost four months."

"That's more than a month older than me."

"But I saw that our stomachs are about the same size," Liu Shuang said in surprise, and Chu Yunxi told her with a smile: "I may be twins."

"Twins, this is too amazing."

The two chatted about the details of the pregnancy like close sisters. After talking for a while, Liu Shuang realized that she had stayed for a long time. The princess hadn't eaten after getting up, so she got up to leave.

"Princess, I'm going back."

"Okay, you can ask me if you have any questions later," Chu Yunxi beckoned, and Liu Shuang turned and walked out.

But as soon as she walked out of the room, she realized that she was being fooled by the princess?She came here today to persuade the concubine to let her enter Su Wang's mansion, so that she can take the opportunity to go out to raise a baby.

Liu Shuang thought about it, turned around and entered the room again. In the room, Chu Yunxi was glad to have fooled Liu Shuang away. It wasn't because of her kindness, but she really couldn't bear to let the pregnant Liu Shuang stay in Su Wang's mansion while she hid in the Go to Taoyuan.

If something happened to Liu Shuang's child, whose child was not a child, thinking of how sad she was when she lost her child before, if something happened to Liu Shuang's child, she would also be sad.

So she didn't want Liu Shuang to enter the Su Palace, but Chu Yunxi didn't expect Liu Shuang to react so quickly.

She didn't know how to speak, Liu Shuang knelt down and asked for instructions: "Princess, you can let your subordinates enter Su Wang's mansion. Your subordinates are willing to do anything for the prince and the princess."

Right now, the prince is working hard towards the highest throne in the Tianhuang Empire. If the husband and wife try their best to help them at this time, the Yan family will become a powerful family in the Tianhuang Empire in the future. Is there still a chance?

(End of this chapter)

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