Chapter 1532
After finishing speaking, Chu Yunxi got up angrily and planned to leave, ignoring this guy, even if she wanted to talk properly.

Seeing that she was angry, Yan Heng quickly reached out and hugged her by the waist, and sat on his lap.

"Okay, it's not good that you are the child's mother, and you still get angry all the time."

With a look of helplessness on her face, Chu Yunxi remained stern and didn't say a word.

Yan Heng leaned over and kissed her on the face, and said softly: "Okay, I will take you to Qi's house in three days, that's all right, but we have to arrange these things carefully, you must think about it before you do anything. I wonder if it might hurt the child."

"Okay, I see."

Satisfied, Chu Yunxi stretched out his arms around Yan Heng's neck, Yan Heng looked helpless, it was his fate to meet such a lifeblood.

Pain and happiness.

Chu Yunxi was already talking about what happened three days later with interest.

"I suspect that the Qi family used drugs to confuse my will and asked me to tell you about your identity. This time, I will fight back against them."

"If you dare to plot against me, you are clearly looking for death. This time, let me meet them properly."

Chu Yunxi sneered and said, Yan Heng looked at her and said, "After this incident, I have a big gift for them, I hope they can bear it."

Without saying a word, Yan Heng hugged Chu Yunxi and said, "Remember, don't let yourself get hurt. If you get hurt this time, don't think that I will allow you to do these things in the future."

Chu Yunxi immediately raised his head and kissed Yan Heng: "I promise I won't let myself get hurt."

After she finished speaking, she wanted to say more, but the voice of green smoke came in from outside the door.

"Princess, someone wants to see you."

Chu Yunxi suddenly thought of what Tianji told her earlier about Bai Zixuan being anxious to see her.

Chu Yunxi glanced at Yan Heng, and motioned for him to let her down, she had a guest.

It's a pity that Yan Heng hugged her domineeringly and didn't let go, and ordered outside with a peaceful face: "Let him in."

Qing Yan was startled, then turned to invite the guests in.

Bai Zixuan walked in quickly and anxiously. As soon as he came in, he saw that King Su, who was wearing a silver mask and holding his boss domineeringly, was looking at him with cold eyes.

Bai Zixuan was frightened all of a sudden, but he forgot to talk about himself.

Chu Yunxi knew that many people were not used to facing Yan Heng. Originally, she wanted to let Yan Heng avoid him, but this guy just refused to listen, and she couldn't help it. Sometimes this guy was so stubborn that even she had to compromise.

"Bai Zixuan, what do you want from me?"

As soon as Chu Yunxi opened his mouth, Bai Zixuan remembered that he came to see Chu Yunxi, he looked at Chu Yunxi anxiously and said.

"Boss, I want to ask you one thing. You can refine those weird pills. Can you cure people's diseases?"

Chu Yunxi was stunned. Since she entered the Tianhuang Empire, she really hasn't healed many people, so others don't know that she can heal. Although she showed her medical skills in the Black Ze Wasteland last time, outside people don't know.

"Why do you ask?"

Bai Zixuan went to the doctor in a hurry, but besides the boss, he didn't know who to go to. It's not like he didn't see a doctor before, but everyone said that his father's meridians were reversed and there was no cure. If the boss didn't If there is a cure, his father will die.

Thinking of this, Bai Zixuan burst into tears: "Boss, you must be able to cure my father, right? If you know how to heal, you must save him. I don't want him to die."

Although usually he always said that it would be better to piss him off, but it was just an angry word, and his father loved him very much.

(End of this chapter)

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