Chapter 1537 The Qi Family's Scheming

Chu Yunxi nodded, then looked at the people in Baihe City and said, "Now I have something for you to do."

Bai Zixuan and the people from Baihe City nodded in unison: "Please tell me, master."

"Immediately publicize the fact that Lord Bai was cured by me, and say that he was cured by Mr. Wuxia. Also, don't reveal my real identity. Only say that I am a master with superb medical skills from the hidden family."

As soon as Chu Yunxi opened her mouth, Bai Zixuan and the people in Baihe City knew her intentions. Was she trying to use her medical skills to recruit soldiers?Save other people's lives and make them work for her.

Bai Xuanzi and the people from Baihe City thought about it and responded in unison: "Okay, let's do it right away."

Chu Yunxi nodded in satisfaction, and Yan Heng stretched out his hand to hold her hand.

"Okay, it's late at night, you should go back to sleep."

"Let's go back."

Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi left the other courtyard all the way, and went straight to Taoyuan.

Three days later, the Qi Mansion opened its main gate to welcome distinguished guests from all sides.

The mansion is full of excitement, and there is a lot of traffic in front of the mansion, so it is very lively.

Although the Qi family has had a lot of bad things recently, the status of the Qi family's aristocratic family is there. What's more, this time several major forces entered the palace and sued the Qi family, and the emperor did not take any action against them.

Moreover, the emperor originally asked their family to close the door to thank the guests and reflect on themselves, but in the end, they actually held a birthday banquet.

This also made people from all major forces and families understand that the emperor will not touch the Qi family in a short time.

As a result, many people came to attend Patriarch Qi's birthday banquet.

When Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi arrived, the Qi Mansion was full of guests, and the elders of the Qi Mansion in front of the door were leading people to welcome the guests.

As soon as these elders saw Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi, they immediately greeted them enthusiastically.

Obviously the relationship between King Su and the Qi family is very stiff recently, but the faces of these elders are full of enthusiastic smiles, and there is no bad look at them.

"King Su, please, Princess Su, the old Patriarch was still talking about you, let me take you to his yard as soon as I pick you up."

Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi nodded their heads, there was a hint of coldness in their eyes, but their faces remained calm, Yan Heng spoke slightly.

"Then take me to meet my grandfather."

Everyone in front of the Qi Mansion's gate whispered from time to time, especially when they saw Chu Yunxi's slightly protruding belly, they all guessed fiercely.

Earlier, there were rumors that the death of the former Su Wangfei was the hand and foot of Su Wang.

It can't be that King Su killed the former Princess Su just to make room for the current Princess Su.

Although these people spoke very carefully, Chu Yunxi and Yan Heng still heard it.

Yan Heng's brows and eyes were instantly stained with cold anger, and his black pupils were full of violence.

He turned his head and looked back with sullen eyes. Those who were busy discussing before all dared not say a word.

Chu Yunxi stretched out his hand to hold Yan Heng, and shook his head towards him.

What to do with these women, no accident, the people who talked about it were all arranged by the Qi family.

If not, who would dare to discuss these trivial matters in front of King Su.

As Chu Yunxi thought about it, a sneer slowly formed on the corner of his mouth. It seems that there is really a big drama waiting for her and Yan Heng in the Qi Mansion today, and I hope they don't reap the consequences themselves.

Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi followed the people to the courtyard where old Patriarch Qi lived. The courtyard where old Patriarch Qi lived was very remote, but although the location was remote, the scenery in the courtyard was very exquisite. , so it can also be seen that the old Patriarch Qi's position in the Qi family.

In the courtyard of Old Patriarch Qi, there were quite a few people sitting at this moment, all of them were major figures from major powers, as well as elders from major families in Kyoto. These people went to the palace to sue Old Patriarch Qi before, but now they are in harmony again. Incomparably sitting together, drinking tea and chatting about things.

(End of this chapter)

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