Chapter 1542 Poisoning Headache
Inside the hall.

The third elder lured Chu Yunxi with a bright red fruit in his hand.

"Little sister, let me ask you again, if you answer well, I will give you this fresh fruit, how about it?"

Chu Yunxi knew that many people came outside the house, but of course she didn't know that Emperor Xia Houxuan was also outside the hall at this time.

She only thought that the Qi family had brought a group of people over to be witnesses.

At this time, she naturally wouldn't answer the questions like before, but she was very obedient on the surface.

"Little sister, did you and your little husband-in-law know each other?"

"Little Master, woo."

Chu Yunxi nodded vigorously.

The third elder was a little anxious, and asked again: "Did you know your husband before? Let me ask you."

Chu Yunxi nodded vigorously again, the third elder's face was not good-looking, this woman was obviously obedient before, why now she only knows how to nod.

You must know that nodding is completely different from saying it in your mouth. When she nodded, people outside couldn't see it.

The third elder became slightly anxious, and said again: "Little sister, I'm asking you something, you can tell me whatever I ask, you know?"

Chu Yunxi nodded, and the third elder breathed a sigh of relief: "You and your little husband knew each other before."

Chu Yunxi nodded vigorously again, the third elder was so angry that his eyes widened, and cold sweat broke out on his body. Right now, the emperor is outside the door. Wouldn't it be a waste of time if he couldn't ask this woman for a while? The heart of the owner.

The third elder became more and more angry, and finally shouted angrily: "Did you lose your mouth? I'm asking you something."

Now Chu Yunxi burst into tears with a loud whimper, and the whimpering continued.

Then her screams sounded: "Ah, I have a headache, my head hurts so much, I want to vomit."

With a sharp cry, not only the third elder in the room was startled, but also Patriarch Qi and the emperor outside the room were also startled.

Yan Heng's complexion changed, and his body moved and rushed towards the main hall. Although he knew that Xi'er might be pretending, he was still uneasy and afraid.

Yan Heng rushed to the main hall, followed by Di Jun and others.

As soon as everyone entered the main hall, they saw Princess Su Chu Yunxi with a pale face holding her head and screaming sharply, and King Su was full of murderous aura, he hugged Chu Yunxi and asked nervously: "Xi'er, What's the matter with you? What's the matter with you?"

Chu Yunxi shook her head: "I have a headache, it hurts so much, it's so uncomfortable, I want to vomit."

Chu Yunxi's tragic situation made the emperor's face in the main hall become ugly, and the faces of people from the major families also became subtle.

What kind of situation is this, and why the good Princess Su has become like this.

Patriarch Qi, the third elder and the others felt that something was wrong, how did things turn out like this.

Yan Heng had already ordered outside: "Come here, check for me, what's wrong with Xi'er?"

When the emperor saw Chu Yunxi's pain, he couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately ordered to a person beside him: "Go up and check for her, and see what's going on with her?"

The person next to the emperor is a doctor who is proficient in medical skills. Upon hearing the order from the emperor, he immediately stepped forward to check on Chu Yunxi.

Soon, the man got up and looked at the emperor and said: "If you go back to the emperor, Princess Su has been poisoned by the Hunyuan snake saliva poison that confuses people's mind."

After hearing this man's words, Yan Heng's eyes became extremely ugly. He looked up at the members of the Qi family, and sternly said: "Why did my concubine suffer from this kind of poison? Didn't you mean to take her to the female family? Why did you put her in the end?" What the hell are you doing here?"

(End of this chapter)

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