Chapter 1553
After hearing Yan Heng's words, Chu Yunxi opened his eyes wide in surprise and said, "You mean that the Qi family might kill the king?"

Thinking about it, it's unbelievable. Didn't the Qi family hold the emperor all the time?How could such a thing be done.

"Xia Houxuan is narrow-minded, if he really offends him, he will definitely get rid of the Qi family.

The old head of the Qi family is very shrewd, like a thousand-year-old fox, since he knows this, he can only find foreign aid. "

"Then what do we do now? Or do nothing."

Before Yan Heng could reply, footsteps sounded behind him, and Wei Li walked over with two people to report.

"My lord, respect the king and ask to see you."

Yan Heng turned to look at Chu Yunxi and said: "Someone is impatient to come over, it seems that the king is busy again, but you can obediently go to the room to rest."


Chu Yunxi rolled his eyes at him, got up and followed Qingyan and Qingwu to the room to rest.

Yan Heng took Wei Li and a few of his subordinates to the front hall of Taoyuan to entertain guests.

In the front hall, King Jing Xia Houjun was looking at the decoration in the main hall. When Xia Houjun heard the movement in front of the door, he turned around and looked over.

Just in time to see Yan Heng, who was dressed in black and wearing a silver mask, walked in, and a smile immediately spread on Xia Houjun's face.

"Sixth Prince, don't blame me for disturbing you uninvited."

Yan Heng shook his head, and said indifferently: "What are you talking about, brother two, what are you brothers doing so politely?"

Although his attitude was cold and arrogant, but what he said was polite, Xia Houjun heaved a sigh of relief. At first he thought that the younger brother was angry, but now that he came here, did he hit him with a knife? Now it seems that he did not How much is affected.

Yan Heng knew the purpose of Xia Houjun's visit today, so he just pretended not to know and sat with him in the main hall.

"Why did the second brother think of coming to the mansion?"

Xia Houjun chuckled lightly: "Brother heard what happened to you in the Qi Mansion earlier, so I was worried about my siblings, so I came here to see, are your siblings okay?"

As soon as the matter of Qi's mansion was mentioned, the atmosphere in the main hall immediately turned cold, and Xia Houjun couldn't help but feel secretly happy. It seemed that Xia Houming had annoyed the Qi family.

Xia Houming and the Qi family were annoyed and had nothing to rely on, so it was almost impossible for him to become the emperor of the Tianhuang Empire.

So Xia Houjun came here today to win over Xia Houming. With Xia Houming's support, his ascension to the throne will be a little more certain.

Although Xia Houming has a cruel temper, he is very smart. With his help, he will definitely ascend to the throne of the Phoenix Empire. It is whether Xia Houming is willing to give up the throne, whether he is willing to help him.

Xia Houjun looked at Yan Heng while thinking, Yan Heng's brows became more and more cold.

He snorted coldly and said, "It's okay."

Xia Houjun asked with concern: "Why are you and the Qi family having such a fight?"

Yan Heng said sullenly: "They want to treat me as a pawn, I don't want to, so they turned around and counted on me, in fact, I never thought about the Emperor of the Tianhuang Empire, everything is their own idea, now Fortunately, because I didn't want to be a chess piece, I immediately turned around and dealt with me, it's really hateful."

Yan Heng's words made Xia Houjun's heart skip a beat. Xia Houming said that he didn't want to be an emperor, is it true?

(End of this chapter)

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