Chapter 1559
Yan Heng assured Chu Yunxi, and Chu Yunxi said quickly: "Although I can't use too much energy right now, it is still feasible to save the sick and treat the sick. During this period of time, I will start to treat the sick. You can harass various forces, and when you and the emperor face each other in the future, they can be a help, even if they can't be a help, at least they won't oppose you when you overthrow Xia Houxuan."

As soon as Yan Heng heard Chu Yunxi's words, she wanted to object.

Chu Yunxi took the first step to cover his mouth, and said with a serious face: "That's the deal."

Without saying a word, she yawned, closed her eyes and slipped into Yan Heng's arms.

"I'm so sleepy, I'm going to sleep."

Yan Heng hugged her and lay on the couch with a speechless face, and the two of them just fell asleep together.

The two of them didn't know at all how warm and warm their scene was at this time. Under the peach tree with falling peach blossoms, there was a man as beautiful as a picture, with a gentle expression on his face and a delicate woman in his arms. The quiet picture makes people feel that the world is beautiful.

The next day, just after dawn, before Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi got up, Wei Li came to report the matter.

"My lord, the Li family and the Jin family fought, and both suffered heavy losses. Our people made an introduction in advance, and when the battle between the Li family and the Jin family was triggered, we joined in the fight. In this way, The Li and Jin families suffered heavy casualties."

After hearing Wei Li's report, Yan Heng was very satisfied, but soon he ordered in a low voice: "Okay, let's go down."

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and looked to his side, wondering if Xi'er had been woken up.

It's just that as soon as he turned around, he saw Chu Yunxi staring at him with a pair of bright eyes, which meant that she had heard all the news reported by Wei Li earlier.

Chu Yunxi is really not sleepy, what she needs most now is sleep, if she has nothing to do, sleep, can she still be sleepy?

Now she is in good spirits.

While thinking, Chu Yunxi rolled over and lay down on Yan Heng's body. Yan Heng was startled when she saw her movements, and quickly supported her to lie down.

"Slow down, slow down."

Chu Yunxi didn't answer the topic, she stared at Yan Heng with interest and said, "The Li family and the Jin family have made a move."

"Well, it was my people who made the move first. They intentionally moved their hands in the Li family and the Jin family respectively. They thought it was the other party's hands and feet, so they led people to attack the other party's family in a fit of anger."

"Originally neither of the two families dared to send out too powerful masters, but I each sent some people to hide among them, so this time the Li family and the Jin family suffered heavy losses."

When Chu Yunxi heard this, the smile on his face widened: "This is a big mess, but the Li family and Jin Jiaming will never admit such a thing face-to-face."

Yan Heng sneered: "If they don't admit it, won't Xia Houxuan be able to find out? Xia Houxuan is very suspicious, and the emperor is afraid that his eyeliner is everywhere."

Chu Yunxi was shocked after hearing this: "Then we have to be careful."

The two got up while talking. Yan Heng had said to take Chu Yunxi to Tianqing Sect before, so he took Chu Yunxi to Tianqing Sect.

Tianqingzong, the disciples of the outer sect passed the examination today to enter the inner sect.

Originally, Chu Yunxi was not very interested in this, but there were three disciples of the Seven Star Sect who entered the Tianqing Sect with her before, and they did not enter the inner sect, so she came here to cheer for them.

This time Chu Yunxi appeared with Yan Heng, unlike before, anyone could plot against her.

Now she is the legitimate concubine Su, and the favorite concubine of Su Wang.

So when she and Yan Heng appeared, the members of Tianqing Sect were extremely polite, and no one dared to offend them.

(End of this chapter)

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