Chapter 1562 Okay, That's Great

Xia Houxuan yelled furiously.

Both of them think he is a fool, don't they?

If they didn't fight today, he would never have guessed that the attacks on the Li family and the Jin family last night were caused by their two families fighting each other.

When they fought today, he thought of what happened between the two families last night. Not surprisingly, the two families fought each other. King Jing saw that the Li family had suffered a heavy loss, so he beat the eleventh prince in a fit of anger.

Xia Houxuan stared at Xia Houjin fiercely, Xia Houjin was so frightened that she almost fainted when she saw such a father.

Xia Houxuan said with a sinister sneer, "You can faint, but if you faint, I will kill you today."

One word made the eleventh prince Xia Houjin's face turn pale.

Although Xia Houxuan had already guessed what happened, he still wanted Xia Houjin and the others to tell the truth. With his father around, their sons must not hide anything.

Xia Houjin was frightened, and subconsciously pointed at King Jing Xia Houjun and said, "Last night, the Li family led people to kill my Jin family at night, and we went back after killing them, but?"

Xia Houjin trembled and didn't speak clearly. Xia Houjun on the side accidentally caught Yan Heng's gaze indirectly, and immediately reacted with a jolt.

He has to be one step ahead of this matter. Originally, he pointed to the Qi family to help him.

But now it seems that the Qi family can't be used at all, and he must show his position to the father, he is to help the father.

Xia Houjun quickly came out of the queue and knelt down with a plop, and said, "Father, my son has something to say. Last night, the Jin family rushed to my Li family first, and fought violently. We didn't know that the person who came was from the Jin family." Later, when those people were fighting, they inadvertently said that they dared to trample on our Jin family everywhere. He sent a group of people to attack the Jin family."

"Today during the day, the more I think about it, the more angry I am. We have suffered an unreasonable disaster and lost a lot of masters of Yuanli. That's why I impulsively hit the younger brother. You deserve to die, please punish me."

Xia Houjun looked sadly at Xia Houxuan above him, Xia Houxuan's face became more and more gloomy, and Xia Houjin, who was seriously injured at the head of His Royal Highness, struggled and said: "Father, it is the Li family who first Bring people to kill our Jin family, that's why we will fight back."

"It's clearly your Jin family."

"It's your Li family."

"You. It's you."

Xia Houjin almost gasped in one breath, if he was not afraid that his father would kill him, he would have passed out long ago.

Xia Houxuan, the head of the main hall, looked at the two people who were constantly arguing, his face was extremely gloomy and ugly, and he sternly shouted: "Shut up."

Xia Hou took two steps forward and said in a deep voice, "Father, my son has a way to prove that Xia Houjin is lying."

Without saying a word, he said quickly: "The Qi family sent people to secretly contact my grandfather and the others before. The Qi family means that we can work together with the Li family in the future."

"It is estimated that the eleventh brother got the news from somewhere, so he wants to get rid of the Li family secretly and let the Qi family support him instead."

In the main hall, Xia Houxuan was furious instantly, the Qi family, and the Qi family again.

They don't stop, don't they?Obviously he asked them to think about their mistakes behind closed doors, but what happened.

They actually contacted the Li family secretly, and even said they were working with the Li family. Doesn't this mean that they want to support Xia Houjun in his position?
Well, it was very kind, it seemed that he was really kind to them.

(End of this chapter)

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