Chapter 1564

This skill can be regarded as very powerful, so she can feel it as soon as someone approaches the place where she lives.

Of course, this is also the reason why the visitor didn't hide his aura. If the opponent's Yuanli cultivation base is higher than hers, he can completely suppress the Yuanli fluctuations on his body.

It's just that the visitor didn't hide, Qi Hua suddenly thought of what elder brother Bai Tian said.

There is someone from the Qi family beside Dijun, and that person will definitely come to see her at night.

Sure enough, it came, Qi Hua had a bright smile in his eyes in the dark night, but this smile had a strange light.

Someone quickly opened the window and came in.

"I have seen Concubine Ning."

Qi Hua waved his hand, looking at the person who came, this person was like a shadow, a vague shadow.

He must have practiced some kind of kung fu, so that people can't see his face clearly.

The Qi family really raised a good chess piece.

"You've seen what I do."

"My hometown mainly sees Concubine Ning."

"Okay, take me there."

Qi Hua stood up, took a black cloak and put it on, followed the visitor all the way to a hidden place in the palace.

The imperial palace of the Tianhuang Empire is very huge, and there are many traps inside, and there are quite a lot of mysterious secret ways.

Patriarch Qi was ordered by Xia Houxuan to be imprisoned in a secret place in the palace. Without someone to lead him, he couldn't get in.

Because of the secrecy of this place and the great mystery, Xia Houxuan was not worried at all about someone breaking in, and there were not even many guards.

In this way, Qi Hua followed behind the visitor and entered the secret place in the palace smoothly.

This is a place nearly a thousand meters underground, and it is still a place like a cold pool, where people shiver all over.

When Qi Hua came down to this place, she trembled unbearably, and then she saw the grandpa of the Qi family, who used to be aloof and mighty, shrinking in a corner of the secret place like a poor old man.

Looking at this scene, Qi Hua suddenly wanted to laugh, but in the end he held back and said respectfully, "Grandfather."

Patriarch Qi nodded his head, and tried his best to maintain the majesty of the past. He looked at Qi Hua and said, "Grandfather believed what you said earlier. That King Su is by no means the real King Su. He is a fake. It is ours." The enemy of the Qi family, he wants to get rid of our Qi family."

"But because this person is very shrewd, right now we say too much and make mistakes, so you go back and tell your father and brother to dismiss the disciples in the family and let them go out to practice hard. Our Qi family will not get involved in anything from now on. , everyone is dormant, only in this way can we win a chance of survival."

"The emperor is in his prime now, these princes have grown up, he will not tolerate these sons, so we just need to stay dormant and not get involved in the disputes with the princes, and when the emperor himself gets rid of these people, he will give us the money of the Qi family. There is a glimmer of hope, at that time, if you are pregnant again, my Qi family will not worry about not being able to get out of the mountain in the future."

After the old Patriarch finished speaking, a gloomy light appeared in Qi Hua's eyes, and there was a dark and unreadable smile on the corner of her mouth.

At this time, he still wants her to be a pawn, a pawn that he can use, he really thinks too much.

She really wanted to tell him, Grandfather, you think too much, my son and I don't need the Qi family, he just needs me.

But right now, she can't fall out with this old guy, and she has to hold him steady.

"Grandfather, I see, I will go back and tell my father and brother, by the way, grandfather, take care of yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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