Chapter 1578 You are damned

In the past, no matter how powerful the Qi family was, it belonged to her grandfather. Her father and elder brother all obeyed her grandfather's orders, but now it is different, the Qi family is no longer the grandfather's world.

Not to mention that the people inside the Qi family are blaming him and blaming him, and soon, she will let him die.

When he dies, she will be the one who controls the Qi family, and because of the death of his grandfather, the emperor will definitely take pity on the Qi family, and then the Qi family will naturally come back to life.

Qi Hua smiled faintly, and slowly sent a message to see her grandfather and put it on the window sill.

When it was almost dawn, someone came to take her to the underground secret place of the palace.

In the secret place, old Patriarch Qi was using his energy to resist the chill on his body, but unfortunately he couldn't use his energy all the time, he only used his energy to resist when he couldn't resist the most.

Thinking of the days to come, Old Patriarch Qi couldn't help but despair, feeling regret suddenly in his heart, if he had known that he would not have contacted the Li family, wouldn't it be good for their Qi family to stay in the family in peace?

He is afraid that after the death of the emperor, the Qi family will decline, so he thought of another way out, but in the end he walked into a dead end.

He regrets it.

He has done many shrewd things in his life, but this one is not beautiful.

Patriarch Qi was regretting, when footsteps sounded at the end of the secret place, he quickly raised his head to look at the person who came.

As expected, Qi Hua in palace attire followed a shadow floating in.

After Qi Hua came in, she raised her hand and waved to signal the shadow to leave. After the shadow left, she walked slowly to old Patriarch Qi.

This time was completely different from the previous respectful, she looked very proud, her dark eyes were looking at old Patriarch Qi faintly, and the corner of her mouth was a smile that was not a smile.

Patriarch Qi looked at her and felt bad, so he said in a trembling voice, "Hua'er, what are you doing?"

Qi Hua slowly squatted down, squatting in front of old Patriarch Qi, and said softly, "Grandfather, you've lived to such an old age, you should almost die."

Patriarch Qi thought he heard it wrong, and stared at Qi Hua: "You, you?"

Why did he feel so cold in his heart, the coldness in his heart chilled him even more than the coldness in his body.

Qi Hua said again: "I'm here to tell you something. The Qi family you once created has been almost destroyed. Now there is only an empty shell left in the Qi family. Now it's my time, so you Damn it."

Patriarch Qi thought of something, his eyes widened subconsciously, he stared at Qi Hua, tremblingly said: "You let them confront King Su, so the Qi family suffered a lot of casualties."

"Yes, if not, how can I take over the Qi family, and now the Qi family should be used by me."

"Bitch, how dare you?"

How many years of his painstaking efforts were ruined in the hands of this bitch, and he wanted to kill her.

Patriarch Qi raised his hand to grab Qi Hua's neck.

Qi Hua's figure moved, and she stepped back steeply. Patriarch Qi's hand was empty. After Qi Hua landed on the ground, he said slowly: "Grandfather, it's better not to be impatient. If you kill me, you will live too." It's gone."

"The emperor asked you to secretly reflect on yourself in the palace, but you secretly summoned me, and how did I get in? After thinking about it for a while, the emperor will know that you have placed people by his side. Not one will be left."

"So grandfather wants everyone in the Qi family to die?"

(End of this chapter)

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