Chapter 1587 Are You Lying To Us?
Qi Hua asked a lot of questions, Chu Yunxi's face was full of confusion, but although she looked confused, her mouth seemed to be uncontrollable as she spoke quickly.

"My husband is His Royal Highness King Su, who lives in the palace. He is the most beloved son of the emperor. There are many women in his family, and those women are all her concubines, but I don't like those concubines. If you want to compete with me for a husband, I will get angry when I see them, and I will get angry..."

While Chu Yunxi was chattering, Qi Hua's face changed in the dormitory, and Xia Houxuan's eyebrows also raised slightly.

Could it be that Xia Houming is his son, not some fake King Su at all.

Qi Hua looked at Xia Houxuan's expression on one side, and she clearly believed it, so she was anxious and angry, looked at Chu Yunxi and shouted angrily: "What about you, who are you? Where do you come from? I will know His Royal Highness King Su, and how did you get together."

Chu Yunxi shuddered when she heard this, but her mouth kept chattering.

"I'm Chu Yunxi. I used to be from a small country. My husband was a prince. He was killed when the two countries were at war. Later, I was very sad and sad, and I didn't want to stay in that place anymore. , and then I left that place?"

Before Chu Yunxi finished speaking, Qi Hua's expression changed. She rushed to Qi Hua angrily, and shouted, "You talk nonsense, are you lying to us?"

Chu Yunxi seemed to be frightened, and controlled what she said, she stared blankly at Qi Hua.

Qi Hua turned her head anxiously and looked at Xia Houxuan who was on the side, and said, "Dijun, I think she must be lying to us, she must be."

Xia Houxuan's expression turned ugly, he stared at Qi Hua and said, "That's the secret recipe of Zhenyan Pill, no one can hide from it, how can you tell her to lie, so Xia Houming is my son at all."

Qi Hua's face changed when she heard this, she turned her head and looked at Chu Yunxi fiercely and said threateningly: "Tell me the truth, if you tell lies again, believe it or not, I will kill you."

Chu Yunxi was startled by Qi Hua's distorted face, and burst into tears.

Xia Houxuan was very upset when he saw it, and said coldly: "Enough."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left, and ordered Qi Hua coldly and forcefully: "Go."

Qi Hua still wanted to press Chu Yunxi again, but unfortunately seeing Dijun's impatient face, he finally didn't dare to say anything.

She followed Xia Houxuan all the way out of the dormitory where Chu Yunxi lived.

Chu Yunxi's cry still came from behind: "Help, help, someone is going to kill me, someone is going to kill me."

The barrier in the bedroom was removed by Xia Houxuan, so when people outside heard Chu Yunxi's crying in the bedroom, they were immediately startled.

"Princess, what's the matter? Are you having a nightmare."

Xia Houxuan and Qi Hua walked further and further away, and soon they could not hear the voice behind them.

Qi Hua followed Xia Houxuan, and carefully explained: "Dijun, I think there is something wrong with the medicine, or we can try another way."

"Okay," Xia Houxuan interrupted Qi Hua fiercely, he didn't think there was a problem with the medicine, it was probably that King Su and Princess Su had no problem at all.

Qi Hua looked at Xia Houxuan, and knew that this person had less doubts about King Su, could it be that her grandfather's death was just for nothing.

Thinking about it, Qi Hua looked up at Xia Houxuan and said, "Dijun, my grandfather won't shoot without purpose."

As soon as Qi Hua mentioned Patriarch Qi, Xia Houxuan fell silent.

 Not much more today, Xiaotong is not in good health, take a day off
(End of this chapter)

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