Chapter 1594
He Yunhe's eyes were blood red, and he jumped away, Chu Yunxi didn't even look at her, and walked over as if he didn't see that person.

After He Yunhe left, he rushed all the way, running for dozens of miles in one breath, before stopping.

The place where he stopped at this time happened to be in a remote part of the palace.

He Yunhe looked up at the sky and shouted: "Chu Yunxi, I will make you regret it, regret that you treated me like this, I will definitely make you regret it."

Yan Heng, who followed He Yunhe all the way in the dark, had cold eyes and a cold air all over his body.

He had wanted to kill this person a long time ago, and now was his chance.

It's just that Yan Heng didn't have time to move, there was a sound of breaking wind in front of him, and a figure quickly landed beside He Yunhe.

Yan Heng stopped and looked over, and found that the person who came was actually Qi Hua who had just been promoted to imperial concubine.

Qi Hua fell to He Yunhe's side, and slowly said: "Isn't this the capable man next to the suzerain of Tianqing Sect? Why don't we work together?"

He Yunhe turned around and looked over, and saw Qi Hua in a palace brocade dress.

He looked at Qi Hua with sullen eyebrows and said, "What are you cooperating with?"

"Didn't you want Chu Yunxi to regret dealing with Chu Yunxi and King Su? Then get rid of King Su and Queen Su, and Chu Yunxi will regret it."

He Yunhe said with gloomy eyebrows and eyes: "I can do these things myself, there is no need to cooperate with you, and you don't look like a good person."

After hearing He Yunhe's words, Qi Hua was so angry that he was half dead, but it didn't show on his face.

"It's much slower to do things alone, but it's much faster when the two of us work together. Don't you want to see Chu Yunxi regret it as soon as possible? Regret for treating you like that. You see, she despises you now, just like a dog. of."

These words irritated He Yunhe, his expression suddenly changed and he rushed over, and as soon as he raised his hand, he grabbed Qi Hua's neck.

"Damn things."

Qi Hua looked at him without moving, and slowly said: "Let's cooperate, that woman Chu Yunxi is very difficult to deal with, and with King Su, we are not their opponents, but if we Together, we can fight against them.”

He Yunhe looked at Qi Hua, thinking of Chu Yunxi's dislike of him in his mind, he felt very uncomfortable.

In fact, for such a long time, he has been thinking about their past.

He even thought that when Chu Yunxi saw him again, he would apologize to him, regret how he treated him back then, and tell him, let's make up.

But there was nothing in the end, and now she saw him as if she was looking at a piece of shit, which made him unbearable.

"Okay, I agree to cooperate."

He Yunhe let go of his hand suddenly.

There was a slight smile on Qi Hua's red lips, and she looked at He Yunhe with deep eyes. Although this man was full of evil and dark aura, let alone a manly look, it made people feel a little moved.

Qi Hua thought about it, and suddenly stretched out his hand to pull He Yunhe's neck, and the expressions of the two looked extremely ambiguous.

"Then tell me, how do you know that woman Chu Yunxi?"

He Yunhe raised his hand to knock off Qi Hua's hand, and said with sullen eyes, "Stay away from me in the future, and cooperate as long as you cooperate, and don't try to think about what you shouldn't do."

After hearing this, Qi Hua felt resentment in her heart. Why did every man she fancy fell in love with Chu Yunxi? Is that woman really that good?
Chu Yunxi, I must let you die, die.

(End of this chapter)

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