Chapter 1605

King Jian has always only had her as a woman, and she only gave birth to the princess. Now she can't tolerate the woman given by the emperor's decree. What such a woman wants to do, they have long since divorced.

As soon as this decree entered Prince Jian's mansion, King Jian wanted to fight desperately with the emperor Xia Houxuan, and Xia Houzi also wanted to fight desperately with the emperor, but Princess Jian finally stopped him.

Later, Princess Jian ordered the people in the palace not to be disrespectful to the side concubine, which caused Gu Qiu to become more and more violent, arrogant and unreasonable.

This kind of her made Xia Houzi intolerable, so in Prince Jian's mansion, these two people were like natural enemies, they quarreled when they met, pinched each other when they met, and refused to let the other.

In the garden, Gu Qiu heard Xia Houzi's words, sneered and said, "Just say it, am I afraid that you won't succeed?"

She looked at Xia Houzi with a sneer and said, "The princess screamed so heart-piercingly before, maybe she just got mad."

After Gu Qiu finished speaking, Xia Houzi's complexion changed abruptly, and she moved towards Gu Qiu with a flash.

"I'm going to kill you bitch."

Jian Wang's mansion is making this woman a mess now, Xia Houzi really goes crazy once seeing this woman, wishing to beat her to death immediately to relieve her hatred, but every time she thinks of her mother and concubine, she forcibly holds back, so in the past half a year , she was really aggrieved.

In the garden, Xia Houzi rushed to Gu Qiu's side, raised her hand and wanted to slap Gu Qiu, but unfortunately she hadn't slapped it, Gu Qiu suddenly spoke.

"Try to hit me. If you dare to hit me, I will tell your mother and concubine to get out of Prince Jian's residence."

Xia Houzi raised her hand high, but she couldn't hit her with that hand, and her whole face turned red.

Behind her, two maids rushed over to pull her: "Princess, don't, think about the princess."

The princess is such a good person, they don't want her to be kicked out of Prince Jian's mansion.

Xia Houzi gritted her teeth, and slowly withdrew her hand, but it was a pity that she gave up and withdrew her hand, and Gu Qiu in front of her refused to let it go.

"Hmph, what kind of princess, it turned out to be nothing more than that. I thought it was so powerful and awesome, but it turned out to be a coward."


Xia Houzi's face was almost purple, and the anger in her eyes was jumping. If it wasn't for the engraving, she would have punched this woman to death.

It's a pity that the woman in front of her didn't restrain herself because of her appearance.

She smiled triumphantly and pointed at Xia Houzi and said, "Haha, you really laughed me to death, look at your ugly appearance, what kind of princess, I think it's more like a jumping beam clown."

Xia Houzi gritted her teeth, and the flames in her eyes burned even more intensely, but unfortunately she couldn't do anything, otherwise the mother and concubine would really be killed by Xia Houxuan, a villain who deserved to go to the eighteenth floor of hell up.

Xia Houzi was trying to convince herself in her heart, but at this moment, a cold voice sounded from behind.

"Xia Houzi, hit me, hit me hard, if you kill me, I'll be the one."

Xia Houzi looked back eagerly, and saw a few people walking by the quiet path in the garden at a glance.

The leader is Chu Yunxi, the boss who has been missing for a year.

Seeing Chu Yunxi, Xia Houzi's grievances over the past six months flooded out instantly.

She rushed to Chu Yunxi with a loud cry, hugged Chu Yunxi and began to cry.

"Boss, woo woo, where have you been, I miss you so much, I miss you so much, if you don't come back, you won't be able to see me anymore, I'm going to be bullied to death."

Chu Yunxi looked at the woman who was crying heartbroken as she hugged her with disgust.

This guy is as good as her son, and her son can't howl without her.

(End of this chapter)

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