Chapter 1613 Critical

As soon as the man finished speaking, he waved his hand and ordered the subordinates behind him: "Take them down and give them to the emperor for reward."

After this person finished speaking, several people around moved and rushed towards Yan Heng, Chu Yunxi and the others.

Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi were not afraid of these people at all, Yan Heng's hand was strong, and the neck of the person who had been pinched earlier broke with a bang.

He dodged and went straight to the men of the rushing emperor, and when he raised his hand, the tyrannical force suppressed the fluctuations around him, and those who came to him and wanted to touch him barely raised their hands, how could they make a move like this.

The faces of these people all changed, and several of them shouted at the leader not far away.

"He turned out to be the cultivation base of the Supreme Earth."

My God, so powerful, can the emperor deal with him?At his age, his cultivation is almost the same as that of the emperor, which is too scary.

Given time, Dijun might not be his opponent, such a person cannot be kept.

Everyone was thinking this way, and the leader suddenly thought of something and yelled into the city lord's mansion: "Bring people out."

In the city lord's mansion, several figures flashed forward and shot out, pulling two people by their hands, one was Yanheng's mother concubine, Old Princess Yan, and the other was Caizhu, the maid who was serving Chu Yunxi before.

When the two saw Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi, they burst into tears with excitement. Before being captured by the Hua family, Old Princess Yan was very angry. Now seeing Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi, their hearts suddenly felt at ease. up.

Instead, Xin'an felt wronged, her tears couldn't stop streaming down, and the old Princess Yan missed Yan Heng, seeing that he was fine, she suddenly fell to the ground holding her heart.


Yan Heng looked up at Old Princess Yan, thinking of all the things she had done for him, even though she was not his mother concubine, she was better than his mother concubine.

"Mother concubine."

This cry contained strong emotions, and the old Princess Yan knew his intentions, and the more moved she was, for more than 20 years, she had never sacrificed in vain.

Chu Yunxi was also grateful for what Old Princess Yan had done for Yan Heng, so she was suddenly relieved of what she had done to her in Dongchen.

Chu Yunxi also called out: "Mother Concubine, Caizhu, don't worry, we will save you."

As soon as Chu Yunxi finished speaking, the face of the leader of the emperor's subordinates suddenly changed, and he moved close to the old concubine's side.

He raised his hand and grabbed the old concubine's neck and ordered Yan Heng to say.

"If you want to save this woman, kill yourself immediately, otherwise I will kill her."

Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi's expressions immediately changed, and the old concubine's expression changed abruptly when she heard the thief's words.

She screamed sharply: "No, no, I don't agree."

She sacrificed so much, she didn't want Yan Heng to die.

She wanted him to live so that she would have the face to go underground to meet her sister and her own son.

Because she sacrificed his life in exchange for Yan Heng's life, since it was him, he would have a meaningful life.

Old Princess Yan thought about it, and suddenly opened her mouth to bite her tongue.

The expression of the man in black who was strangling her neck changed, and he raised his hand with the intention of covering her mouth.

Just at this moment, the colored beads beside him moved, and the colored beads rushed over and slammed into the man in black who was holding the old concubine.

The man in black subconsciously punched out.

The colored beads flew out like a kite with a broken string.

The faces of the old concubine and Chu Yunxi both changed: "Caizhu."

At this time, everyone moved.

(End of this chapter)

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