Chapter 1615 Murder

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, she turned to look at Caizhu and ordered, "Caizhu, come here and kneel down, call for someone."

Caizhu took the elixir, although her spirit is still not very good, but it is not too bad.

She shook her head, trying to refuse, but Chu Yunxi had already pulled her over and motioned her to kneel down.

Caizhu knelt on the ground, looked at the old concubine and then at Chu Yunxi, and finally she called softly: "Mother-in-law."

The old concubine was dissatisfied: "Call me concubine mother."

Caizhu's face was flushed, she was too nervous, she never had a mother since she was a child, she didn't expect that she even recognized a concubine mother when she was born, this is really very happy.

"Mother concubine."

After screaming, the old concubine's mood suddenly improved. Chu Yunxi looked at the two of them and said, "Scream now, after we kill Xia Houxuan and seize the Phoenix Empire, we will hold a formal banquet. Let's do the ceremonies."

When Caizhu heard Chu Yunxi's words, she immediately shook her head and said, "Miss, there's no need, I'm content now."

She is really content, and it doesn't matter if there is a ceremony of recognition or not.

Chu Yunxi stretched out his hand and patted her hand, and said warmly, "Yes, I will definitely take good care of you in the future."

"Miss Xie."

Caizhu's tears were about to flow down, Chu Yunxi knocked her on the head, and said dissatisfiedly: "It's wrong, you can call me sister-in-law or sister in the future."

Caizhu looked at Chu Yunxi excitedly, and couldn't cry for a while.

Just at this moment, there was a sound of breaking wind coming from behind. This was someone from the city lord's mansion, and now Yan Heng led his men to kill.

Seeing that they were invincible, these people turned their ideas on Chu Yunxi, the old concubine and others.

But he didn't know that the woman in front of him was a female devil.

So when these people came over, Chu Yunxi raised his hand calmly, and sprinkled a touch of poisonous powder.

The wind blew the poisonous powder, and it scattered in all directions. Almost in the blink of an eye, someone was poisoned, and their faces and bodies began to rot rapidly. These people screamed in shock.

"Ah, poison, we are poisoned."

"That woman is too poisonous, let's stay away."

While talking, someone died, and Chu Yunxi took the antidote pill for the old concubine and Caizhu.

After the two of them took the detoxification pill, they saw the people who were arrogantly facing them before, and they all rolled on the ground in pain.

The old concubine and Caizhu looked at it, and felt very refreshed in their hearts. They both shouted at the same time: "It deserves it."

In the air above the head of the City Lord's Mansion, Emperor Xia Houxuan's subordinates had already been killed by Yan Heng and his subordinates.

Now all that is left are the Lord of Yuecheng and his men. The Lord of Yuecheng did not expect that the emperor's men were completely invincible. Seeing that those men were killed, he was frightened, and hurriedly led a group of people to kowtow for mercy. : "King Su, please forgive me."

"We dare not."

Yan Heng looked at them with a sneer, the person who dared to arrest his mother and concubine would want to live in delusion, it was wishful thinking.


Yan Heng raised his hand and swept away with Yuanli, Xiao Yuan and his subordinates in the City Lord's Mansion were all swept away.

After Xiao Yuan was blown away, he suddenly moved and ran straight to the distance. While running to the distance, he shouted at the people of the big families in Moon City with his Yuan force.

"This is the person who was arrested by the emperor's order. Everyone is interested in capturing him together with Xiao Yuan. If you capture him, you will have made a great contribution. It will be no problem to be crowned king and minister."

Yan Heng did not chase after Xiao Yuan, but raised his hand and waved his long fist, a green dragon went straight to Xiao Yuan.

The green dragon came behind Xiao Yuan in the blink of an eye, its figure jumped into the air, and its tail swept out.

Xiao Yuan directly threw it into the sky, and then fell heavily to the ground.

 I have been ill recently, and I take traditional Chinese medicine every day, so sometimes I write less, my dears, please forgive me

(End of this chapter)

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