Chapter 1621 Rumors
The young lady is finally happy, and she is also very happy. The young lady is living a good life, and she has accepted the princess as her adoptive mother. How can life be so happy.

But thinking of Zhaozhao, Caizhu felt a little sad again, Zhaozhao, I don't know what happened to him?

On the flying spirit weapon, Chu Yunxi suddenly thought of something, turned around and asked Caizhu.

"Caizhu, I forgot to ask you, you and concubine mother were arrested and brought to the Heavenly Phoenix Empire, so what about my cousin Wan'er?"

Earlier, she was only interested in being happy, but she forgot about Wan'er. I don't know what happened to her?

As soon as Caizhu heard Chu Yunxi mention Wan'er, she immediately said quickly, "Miss, you."

Before she finished speaking, Chu Yunxi glared at her: "I told you to call me sister."

"I, I," Caizhu took a peek at Yan Heng, and seeing that Yan Heng hadn't said anything, she called out in a low voice: "Sister, Miss Wan'er is fine, when the Hua family came to arrest us, they I just went out for a free clinic, so I'm not in Xianyu Peak, sister, don't worry about Miss Wan'er, she has someone to protect her."

Chu Yunxi immediately thought of the person Wan'er rescued back then. She had heard from Yan Heng that it was Xi Xue's prince, and she still had abilities.

Hearing that Wan'er was under his protection, Chu Yunxi was relieved, but she missed her a little.

"I don't know how she is now?"

After hearing her words, Yan Heng said softly: "After this battle is over, I can send people to Dongchen Country to look for them, and then you can reunite with her."


Chu Yunxi raised his head and chuckled, the flying spirit weapon was filled with warmth.

The Tianhuang Empire, a rumor started from somewhere. This rumor first spread from the outside of the Tianhuang Empire, and it spread more and more widely. When it spread to the imperial capital, almost everyone in the Tianhuang Empire It has been widely spread, and almost everyone is talking about it.

In the Dragon Yin Palace.

Xia Houxuan's face was blue and black, and his whole face was distorted and deformed. When he held it with his big hand, he smashed all the things in the hall.

"Check it out, check it out for me. I want to see who spread the rumors, and dare to slander me. If I find out, I will definitely tear this person into pieces."

As long as he thinks that people all over the world are discussing this matter, his heart will burn like a fire.

The things he hid and covered turned out to be all over the world.

Although people outside dare not discuss it publicly, many people are afraid in their hearts that he is the one who killed the former prince. If these people believe that he killed the former prince, they will definitely scold him. Wolf-hearted.

Because everyone in the world knows how good the former prince was to him.

The more Xia Houxuan thought about it, the more frantic he became, and finally he yelled and threw things in the hall.

Inside the hall, it was smashed to pieces quickly, and many eunuchs and maids were injured, but none of these people dared to dodge, and some of them were swept away by Yuanli Wave, and they were directly beaten to death.

He didn't dare to say a word even if he was killed.

After Xia Houxuan's attack, the hall was full of mess, and there was not even a place to stay.

And Xia Houxuan was panting heavily with blood red eyes, like a wounded beast.

Outside the hall, the eunuch came in cautiously and reported: "To the emperor, the empress is here."

Xia Houxuan had calmed down at this moment, and waved his hand and ordered: "Let her in."

Miao Haitang led someone in from outside the hall. She was still young in her 40s, but the relationship between her and Dijun no longer existed.

What can maintain their relationship now is their mutual interests.

(End of this chapter)

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