Chapter 1624
In the main hall of the main peak of Xianyu Peak, after teasing the little ones for a while, Chu Yunxi hugged Nao Nao and looked at the old concubine on the opposite side, and said, "Mother, I am afraid that Yanheng and I will be very busy next time, so the little ones have to talk to each other." I will take care of you and my master."

After she finished speaking, she winked playfully at Shen Yuqing.

Shen Yuqing knew what she meant at a glance, because she was afraid that the old concubine would worry too much.

Shen Yuqing admired the old concubine very much. It was this person. Although his Yuanli cultivation was not high, his ideological realm was really high. He abandoned his son and protected the children of the prince and concubine.

Such a person deserves respect and admiration.

Shen Yuqing used to know the old concubine, so she looked at the old concubine with a smile and said, "Sister Mingyi, it's good if you come, these two little guys are too troublesome, I can't even take care of them."

It turned out that the name of the old princess was Hua Mingyi.

When the old concubine heard Shen Yuqing's words, she immediately responded with a smile: "That's good, I will take you with me in the future, these two little guys are really cute."

After the old princess finished speaking, she leaned over and gave her a kiss.

The trouble in Chu Yunxi's arms did not win this time, because the elder brother was sitting in the arms of the grandmother, but he was sitting in the arms of the mother.

Niangqin is so fragrant and soft, it's a hundred times better to be in a troubled mood.

In the main hall, everyone talked for a while, and the old concubine asked Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi to go down to rest.

At this time, Tiao Tiao and Nao Nao also fell asleep. After all, the two little ones are only more than eight months old. After playing for a while, they will get tired, and they often need to sleep to replenish their energy.

So the old concubine and Shen Yuqing took the two little guys down to rest.

Yan Heng dragged Chu Yunxi to the place where she lived to rest.

When the two were about to fall asleep, Chu Yunxi looked at Yan Heng with a smile and said, "Now you can rest assured, the concubine mother is fine, and now she lives in Xianyu Peak, with Caizhu, master and two little babies to accompany her." Now, we can deal with Xia Houxuan and Miao Haitang wholeheartedly, by the way, how do you plan to deal with Xia Houxuan and Miao Haitang."

Yan Heng leaned over and kissed Chu Yunxi, and said, "I plan to recover the corresponding cities of Liuzhou and Tancheng, forming a north-south division, and fighting against Xia Houxuan. In this way, Xia Houxuan must find a way to get rid of it. Let me go, I just wait for him to come, I was planning to go to the imperial capital to deal with that guy, but after thinking about it, it was a bit wrong."

"Xia Houxuan has sat on the emperor's seat for so many years, who knows how many powerful people he has under his command, so when we go, we will form a situation where we are in the open and the enemy is in the dark. That is not good for us. Now When I do this, Xia Houxuan and the others are in the light, and we are in the dark."

"As the emperor of the Heavenly Phoenix Empire, he naturally doesn't want his territory to be divided by others, so he must send people to attack us. We just took this opportunity to deal with the people he sent, and gradually eroded his power. Not bad."

After Yan Heng finished speaking, Chu Yunxi immediately smiled, put his arm around Yan Heng's neck, and kissed him on the mouth.

Originally, she just wanted to kiss her simply, but this kiss made Yan Heng's body aroused.

He rolled over and pinned her down.

His voice became hoarse unconsciously.

"You provoked me. I wanted to let you go."

He didn't wait for Chu Yunxi to speak after he finished speaking, and sealed it with a kiss, so that Chu Yunxi could not say a word.

(End of this chapter)

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