The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 1628 Summoning 7 Great Aristocratic Families

Chapter 1628 Summoning the Seven Great Families
Yan Heng waved his hand to order to go down, and King Jian Hui and Sima Hong immediately went to deal with their respective affairs.

Yan Heng stretched out his hand to hold Chu Yunxi and said, "Let's go back."

"it is good."

The group left Fengcheng quickly, but Yan Heng arranged many people to guard Fengcheng before leaving.

Although Sima Hong is powerful, he doesn't have many masters under him. This Fengcheng is the main city connecting the north and south arteries. If Xia Houxuan sends powerful masters over, wouldn't their work be in vain.

So Yanheng sent several masters to guard Fengcheng.

There is an orderly busy scene here.

To the north of Fengcheng, there was a panic. Everyone knew that the son of the former prince Xia Hougan led a group of powerful people and captured ten cities south of Fengcheng. He proclaimed himself emperor in Fengcheng, is he planning to stand against the emperor Xia Houxuan?
The city lords of various cities, as well as people from various aristocratic families, were all afraid, and the entire Heavenly Phoenix Empire was in chaos.

When Xinjun and Dijun fight, it must be their aristocratic families and common people who are unlucky in the end.

The entire Heaven Phoenix Empire was in panic.

The news that Yan Heng captured eleven cities and proclaimed himself emperor in Fengcheng finally reached the ears of the imperial capital Xia Houxuan.

Xia Houxuan thought he had heard it wrong, so he asked the person who reported it again, and finally confirmed that his ears were fine.

The person who pretended to be Xia Houming earlier took eleven of his cities overnight.

Not only did he seize eleven of his cities, but he also blatantly proclaimed himself emperor in Fengcheng, which clearly provoked him.

Xia Houxuan has been emperor for more than 20 years, and he has never been suppressed by such provocations, and the blood in his chest surged up.

He almost didn't vomit blood, but in the end he suppressed his breath.

Now it's easy to know where the guy is.

Is it Fengcheng?Well, he will let him spit out bit by bit what he ate.

Xia Houxuan shook his big hand, and ordered his subordinates in a deep voice: "Immediately call the people from the seven great families to gather in the palace."

As soon as he finished speaking, his subordinates jumped out of Longyin Palace, went outside and rang the summoning bell in the palace.

This bell is never struck normally, and once it is struck, something important must have happened. The emperor used this bell to summon the imperial family to come to the palace to discuss matters.

Outside Longyin Palace, when the summoning bell rang, not only the great families outside the palace were alarmed, but also the people in the palace were alarmed.

Empress Miao Haitang was listening to her subordinates report on the situation outside.

Her complexion was very ugly. Yanheng actually seized ten cities south of Fengcheng, and ascended to the throne in a high-profile way. It was clear that she was against Xia Houxuan. Although Miao Haitang was happy to watch them fight fiercely, I can't wait for them to lose both.

But Yan Heng snatched ten cities south of Fengcheng, but it made her angry.

You must know that the Heavenly Phoenix Empire will belong to her son in the future, and now it is taken away by that guy, how can she not be angry.

Miao Haitang was thinking about it when she suddenly heard the ringing of the summoning bell from Longyin Palace.

Miao Haitang's heart skipped a beat, feeling uneasy.

With a movement of her figure, she waved her hand and ordered the person reporting to go out first/
She herself took several maids under her command and headed all the way to Longyin Palace. When Miao Haitang arrived at Longyin Palace, all the seven great families outside the imperial capital rushed over.

People from these aristocratic families were extraordinarily polite when they saw Miao Haitang.

"I have seen the empress."

"I have seen the Empress Dowager."

After Miao Haitang nodded her head, she raised her foot and walked towards Longyin Palace, and everyone else followed her into the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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