Poison Formation
The scolding of these people made Chu Yunxi extremely annoyed. Yan Heng was the victim, and his parents died in vain. These people even scolded in a grand manner. People, I'm afraid they were all promoted by Xia Houxuan.

So they are naturally advancing and retreating with Xia Houxuan, but because of this, they deserve to die.

Chu Yunxi sneered, suddenly raised his finger and cursed angrily at the person opposite.

"How can there be shameless people like you in this world? You are the black-hearted, rotten-hearted, shameless and shameless low-spirited people, but you still act high-profile."

"Go and ask Xia Houxuan, why does he have the face to announce to the world that we are traitors? He is the real traitor. If the former prince hadn't treated him well, he would be just a street mouse that everyone shouted and beat. He's just a dog in the stinking ditch, he's just a coward who is looked down upon by others."

"Even if he takes over the world of the Phoenix Empire now, who can erase the things he did in the past? He only got the eyes of the former prince by flattering his horse and lying low. Erase what happened to him?"

"Even if he is an emperor, no one can erase the past, he is a rotten dog."

Chu Yunxi's words turned the faces of a large number of people on the opposite side black, and the leader, King Xuan, became even more furious.

Even though he wanted to seize the throne, fake death, and turn from the light to the dark, but now he heard others scold his father as a dog in the water, he still couldn't control his anger.

"Shut up, thief, and die soon."

King Xuan's words fell, as soon as his figure moved, someone shot towards him, and beside him, the men sent by the emperor suddenly said: "My lord, let me fight this battle."

Chu Yunxi didn't bother to pay any attention to them, and with a wave of her hand, several peach blossoms attacked the formation she and Yan Heng had set up earlier like sharp weapons.

Those people on the opposite side thought that Chu Yunxi was attacking them, and some people laughed sarcastically: "I don't know what to do."

As soon as the words fell, he was about to fight, but who knew that the peach blossoms did not attack these people, but attacked somewhere near the north gate of Fengcheng.

Several peach blossoms attacked several places of the North City Gate respectively, and in the mid-air of the North City Gate, several peach blossom formations suddenly appeared, and the peach blossom formations covered the dark and dark people in the blink of an eye.

These people who know the goods immediately saw these big formations.

No, there are three big formations in a row. Someone in the mighty crowd changed his face and said quickly: "No, big formation, retreat quickly."

It's a pity that no matter how quickly they withdrew, many people were still covered by the three large formations.

As soon as these people were covered, they began to break the formation. Once they broke the formation, they touched the poison in the formation, so the poisonous gas diffused.

Someone in the formation exclaimed: "It's not good, it's poisonous."

"Ah, what a powerful poison."

There was an exclamation from each other in the big formation, followed by screams.

With this sudden situation, those masters who were not covered by the big formation all had an ugly face, and someone shouted: "Poison woman."

King Xuan even yelled in a deep voice: "Come on, kill them and leave none behind."

As soon as the words fell, he shot quickly at the first step. Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi looked at the King Xuan who was coming so fast, they only thought it was funny.

Is this a jumping clown?The cultivation base of the fifth-rank Martial Emperor ranks to fight against them, or does he have some other plans.

It's a pity that his hope may be in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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