Chapter 1655 Good place

After listening to Chu Yunxi's words, Xiaodouzi replied obediently: "As for the princess, I was originally a member of the rabbit tribe. Because I was born with colorful rays of light in the sky, I was hated by others and was stolen by others. I didn't know about it later. What's going on, I entered the human world, but fortunately I met the princess, so I was able to save my life."

"Later, not long after Zhao Zhao was taken away, my grandfather found me with the Rabbit Soul-Soul Mirror. He managed to use the Soul-Soul Mirror to bring me back, so I returned to the Demon Realm."

"Princess, are you here to look for Zhao Zhao? How is he? Is he whereabouts?"

When Xiaodouzi thought of Zhaozhao, he spoke worriedly.

After hearing her words, Chu Yunxi couldn't help feeling uncomfortable, and didn't say a word for a long time.

Looking at her, Xiaodouzi knew that Zhao Zhao was not missing, and she was not in a good mood. The atmosphere was indescribably heavy for a while, until a cough sounded from behind.

Everyone subconsciously turned their heads to look, and the patriarch of the rabbit clan moved a little, and then opened his eyes.

Now the rabbit tribe was happy, and Xiaodouzi jumped to the side of the patriarch of the rabbit tribe even more happily.

"Grandpa, are you awake?"

The patriarch of the rabbit clan opened his eyes and looked at the people around him, and slowly he realized that he was still alive, and he was indescribably surprised.

"I, am I still alive?"

Xiaodouzi nodded vigorously, then got up and rushed in front of Chu Yunxi, reaching out to pull her over.

"Grandpa, this is the princess, I told you before, the one who saved me."

Hearing Xiaodouzi's words, the patriarch of the rabbit clan immediately struggled to stand up and thank Chu Yunxi, but Chu Yunxi reached out to stop him.

"Patriarch, you don't have to be polite."

Before the patriarch of the rabbit tribe could say anything, Xiaodouzi said happily, "Grandpa, it was the princess who saved you. I told you that she is a genius doctor with great medical skills. Look, she saved you as soon as she took action." about you."

Chu Yunxi felt a little embarrassed after hearing Xiaodouzi's words. The child had never discovered that she could talk so well before.

Hearing this, the patriarch of the Rabbit Clan became even more grateful. He motioned to the people on one side to help him up, and then he respectfully thanked Chu Yunxi.

"Thank you benefactor for your great kindness. From now on, you will be the benefactor of my Rabbit Clan. Now please follow me into Moyou Valley, so that our Rabbit Clan can treat you well."

"So much work."

Chu Yunxi was originally planning to enter Moyou Valley, but now it happened that the patriarch of the Rabbit Clan invited her, which happened to be what she wanted. She turned to look at Yan Heng beside her and said, "Then let's go into Moyou Palace."

"Okay," Yan Heng nodded lightly. Right now, they don't know anything about the demon world, so entering Moyou Valley is a good time to inquire about the situation in the demon world.

A group of people entered Moyou Valley. It turned out that what Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi had seen before was only the periphery of Moyou Valley.

It wasn't until they entered Moyou Valley that they realized that Moyou Valley was really a good place.

In the valley, you can see Qingxi mountain springs everywhere, and flowers all over the mountains and plains, all of which make the valley look like a paradise.

And in this paradise, small courtyards with exquisite glazed green tiles are hidden among the green mountains and green waters. From a distance, the whole Moyou Valley is a fairyland on earth.

No wonder the people from the Scorpion Clan want to snatch this place, this place is indeed a good place.

Chu Yunxi couldn't help being moved when he saw it, not to mention those people from the Scorpion Clan.

"This place is really a good place????"

(End of this chapter)

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