Chapter 1660
After hearing this, Chu Yunxi was not worried. Anyway, she and Yan Heng had the flying spirit weapon in their hands, and it would be a breeze to rush to the Valley of Ten Thousand Immortals.

It's just that if they head to the Valley of Ten Thousand Immortals rashly, they will be discovered by others, so they must think of a legitimate reason to go to the Valley of Ten Thousand Immortals.

Right now there is no whereabouts of Zhao Zhaohe's former mother and father, so she should not act rashly.

Now she has to find a way to find Zhao Zhaohe's previous parents, and then she can find a way to get rid of the wolf king Nie Hong and his subordinate races.

"By the way, is there any good way to go to the Valley of Ten Thousand Immortals? For example, the birthday of the Wolf King or something?"

When Chu Yunxi opened his mouth, the patriarch of the Rabbit Clan suddenly looked at Chu Yunxi and said, "I remembered, Princess Xiangxiang, the daughter of Wolf King Nie Hong, is going to recruit horses. Three days later, three days later, we People from all clans of the Yaozu will go to the Valley of Ten Thousand Immortals to compete for the position of son-in-law."

When Chu Yunxi heard this, her heart was moved immediately, and she turned to look at Yan Heng who was on the side.

Yan Heng's beautiful face immediately turned gloomy, and he refused in a deep voice: "I won't fight for the position of son-in-law."

Chu Yunxi looked at her man, not to mention, she didn't want her man to compete for the position of son-in-law.

Chu Yunxi thought about it, and said, "I mean, I'm going to fight for the position of the son-in-law."

Yan Heng's face turned dark when he heard this, and he glared at the little girl angrily.

"Let's just go and watch the excitement, why bother fighting for the position of son-in-law."

Chu Yunxi shook his head: "I'm afraid I won't be able to enter the Valley of Ten Thousand Immortals just to watch the excitement. This Valley of Ten Thousand Immortals is the original Valley of Fox Immortals. If I want to find Zhaozhao, I must enter the Valley of Ten Thousand Immortals, so it's a good name to compete for the son-in-law."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, Yan Heng still wanted to stop her. She had already raised her hand and patted Yan Heng's shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I won't miss you. I'll put on makeup and change your appearance later, and you just treat it like that." My men are ready."

Yan Heng stared at her speechlessly, and finally fell silent.

Chu Yunxi glanced at the patriarch of the Rabbit Clan and said, "So, can you draw me a blueprint of the Monster Clan within these three days? Can you find someone to take us to the Valley of Ten Thousand Immortals in another three days? "

The patriarch of the Rabbit Clan nodded his head, and then said worriedly: "Little princess, then what capacity do you go to participate in the princess's wedding ceremony? All those who go to the princess's wedding ceremony have their own status."

After thinking for a while, Chu Yunxi looked at the patriarch of the rabbit clan and said, "Just say that I am the grandson of the patriarch of the rabbit clan."

After finishing her sentence, she added: "Of course, if the patriarch is worried about hurting you, you can refuse."

The patriarch of the rabbit tribe quickly shook his head: "No, no, it's just that this time the princess is choosing a relative, but there are many powerful races going to participate in the election, the princess should be careful."

"It's okay, I'm not worried, those people should be worried."

Chu Yunxi is very confident about this. If she can't even play with little monsters, how can she save her younger brother and her predecessor's parents later.

The patriarch of the Rabbit Clan can be seen that this little princess is a very powerful person, so he doesn't have to worry, all he has to do is cooperate with her actions, so that after Lord Demon King regains the throne, their Rabbit Clan will come out ahead.

The patriarch of the Rabbit Clan felt better the more he thought about it, got up and respectfully invited Chu Yunxi and Yan Heng to rest, and hurriedly went to work on the tasks that Chu Yunxi had given him.

Three days later, on behalf of the grandson of the patriarch of the Rabbit Clan, Chu Yunxi went to Wanxian Valley to participate in the selection of the princess.

(End of this chapter)

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