Chapter 1663
The son headed by the tiger clan stared at Chu Yunxi with piercing eyes, and Yan Heng's face immediately turned ugly, and the cold air overflowed from his body instantly.

The young master of the Tiger Clan's complexion immediately turned ugly, he glared at Yan Heng angrily, and then shouted coldly: "What are you looking at, believe it or not, this young master ordered someone to poke your eyes blind."

Yan Heng said with a half-smile, "You can try it."

Yan Heng's provocative words immediately dissatisfied the young master of the Tiger clan, not only him, but also the members of the Tiger clan behind him.

They let go of the people who had surrounded them before, and immediately surrounded Chu Yunxi, Yan Heng and others with a whoosh.

"Hehe, where did this barbarian come from, to dare to provoke our young master, do you think you are living too freely?"

Yan Heng folded his arms around his chest and looked at the onlookers. There was no fear or anxiety in his expression, which made the Tiger Clan members even more dissatisfied and angry, and they all glared at Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi angrily.

"When did the little rabbit people dare to be so arrogant? Today we want them to take a good look at who can be offended and who can't be offended in this monster clan."

After the words of the Tiger Clan fell, they looked at the young master and said, "Young master, us?"

"Teach them a lesson, so that they don't know the heights of the sky and the earth."

As soon as the young master of the tiger tribe finished speaking, the subordinates beside him stepped forward.

Yan Heng raised her hand to teach the Tiger Clan members a lesson, but Chu Yunxi stopped him with her hand, and then released the thousand-faced fox and the five poisonous scorpions.

"You teach them a lesson, let them know what is beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people."

Upon hearing this, Yumian and Duyou stepped forward.

Chu Yunxi pulled Yan Heng to watch in the middle. The reason why Chu Yunxi pulled Yan Heng just now was because if Yan Heng made a move, he would reveal his knowledge of Yuanli.

Right now, it's not a matter of revealing their identities. If the people in the demon world know that they are human, the people in the demon clan will definitely besiege them.

And Yumian and Duyou are beasts in the first place, no one would doubt them when they fight.

While thinking, Chu Yunxi looked up at Yumian and Duyou who were fighting with the Tiger Clan members.

Yumian and Duyou have now advanced to the level of big demon cultivation, their sorcery is very powerful, the people of the little tiger clan are not their opponents at all, they beat each other to the ground very quickly.

The leading son of the tiger clan was also trampled under the feet of Yumian, but although he was stepped on by the jade-faced fox, the son of the tiger clan did not give up and warned the jade-faced fox.

"It turns out that you are a little fox. I order you to let go of me quickly, otherwise you will be in bad luck. If Lord Demon King knows that you bully me, he will never let you go lightly."

"Don't you know that Lord Demon King hates foxes the most? All the foxes in our demon world hide as far away as possible. You dare to show up. You really want to die."

When the jade-faced fox heard this, she became angry. As a fox, she was in the way.

This Demon King is really shameless, isn't it just because he has taken the Nine-Tailed Fox's Demon King throne?Even the fox can't stand it anymore.

It's a pity that he will soon be unlucky.

The jade-faced fox knows the abnormal ability of his own princess, so sooner or later the wolf king will die in his own princess' hands.

While thinking about it, the jade-faced fox raised his foot and stomped on the hand of the young master of the tiger clan. Boom, boom, the hand of the young master of the tiger clan was broken.

He screamed in pain: "Ahh."

The tiger clan son was screaming, and not far away, several deer clan members who had been surrounded by the tiger clan people came over.

(End of this chapter)

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