Chapter 1666 Not Like a Woman
Chu Yunxi heard someone whispering beside him.

"Is that Princess Xiangxiang? She looks really ordinary."

"Hmph, if she wasn't a princess, who would marry her?"

"But who is to say that someone's life is good? She was born as a princess, so many people are rushing to marry her."

"But why do you think the princess doesn't look like Concubine Die? Look at how beautiful Concubine Die is."

"Didn't you see that the princess looks like Lord Demon King? On the contrary, the prince looks like Concubine Die."

The speaker glanced at the six or seven-year-old boy who was being held by Concubine Die, he was indeed very handsome.

Chu Yunxi looked at the wolf king's family in front of them amidst the discussions among the crowd.

Nie Hong, the wolf king, is tall and burly, with a tough face, and his facial features are okay, but his eyes are full of fierce light. This person is not a good person at first sight, but the woman who is following him is petite and exquisite, with even more beautiful eyebrows and eyes But, at first glance, she is a woman who is loved by men.

Chu Yunxi had listened to the discussions of the people around her earlier, so she guessed that this person was that concubine Die, the little Qingdie whom her mother had treated sincerely in her previous life. This person, together with the Wolf King, wiped out the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan .

Chu Yunxi can guess what happened without thinking deeply.

It must be that the cheap mother in the previous life treated this little Qingdie like a sister. This little Qingdie knew the secret of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan, so he joined hands with the Wolf King to kill the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan when the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan was at its weakest. clan people.

It would not be a pity for such a monster to die ten times.

Just don't know what's going on?In the end, she didn't become the demon queen, but the demon queen became Lizhu, the younger sister of the demon king Liyan.

By the way, why didn't you see the Demon Empress come over on such an occasion today?

On the contrary, the wolf king and the little blue butterfly brought their children, like a family.

Didn't the Demon Empress only have one name?

Chu Yunxi was thinking wildly. In front of him, the Yaowang family had already sat on the high seats on the side of the competition platform in the South Square.

The wolf king raised his hand, and the Yaozu people who were talking eagerly below immediately fell silent. The wolf king cleared his throat and spoke.

"Today is the day when the princess chooses her son-in-law. My king would like to thank all of you who came to the Valley of Ten Thousand Immortals to participate in the princess's martial arts competition. As I said before, everyone can take part in the competition today. After defeating everyone, this king will marry the princess to him as his wife."

After the wolf king finished speaking, someone shouted: "Master Demon King, what if the princess doesn't want to marry?"

After the man finished speaking, the Wolf King's face turned serious, and he said in a deep voice, "This king said, as long as I can defeat everyone, the princess will marry this man."

After the wolf king finished speaking, he turned to look at his daughter, Princess Xiangxiang.

Princess Xiangxiang is actually not ugly, but she looks like a wolf king, very tall, with a burly figure, and a very rigid face. A woman who looks like this really doesn't please men, so many talents I think she looks ugly.

In fact she was just more of a man than a woman.

But because she is a princess, there are still many people asking to marry her.

Princess Xiangxiang on the stage saw her father looking over, and immediately said in a deep voice: "I will let my father decide everything."

If you get used to it, let it go, if you don't like it, just find a chance and kill it. It's not that the princess is not allowed to remarry.

So Princess Xiangxiang didn't take this martial arts competition seriously at all.

In fact, she likes Shangxuan, son of the Lion Clan, and thinks that Shangxuan is the one she wants.

It's a pity that Shangxuan is obviously not very interested in her, which annoys Princess Xiangxiang, and she also knows that her marriage cannot be decided by her.

Of the five most trusted races under her father's throne, it is not up to her to decide which one to marry.

Even the father and king are sometimes uncertain about this matter, that's why there is today's martial arts contest to recruit relatives.

(End of this chapter)

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