Chapter 1669 Let's Go Together

Princess Xiangxiang stared at Huohuo, and found that this man was not only super capable, but also had an exceptionally handsome face. Princess Xiangxiang's heart beat faster, and she turned to look at her father.

"Father, which race's demon is this?"

Princess Xiangxiang couldn't see through the fire unicorn's body, but wolf king Nie Hong could, and because he could see through, he was even more stunned.

Qilin family.

The people of the Qilin family were ancient gods and beasts in ancient times. Although this family gradually declined later, their blood was noble no matter what. These demons are entangled together.

Most of them live in seclusion and never appear in front of the Yaozu people.

Now what is this all about?

After the wolf king came to his senses, he replied to Princess Xiangxiang, "He is from the Qilin family."

"A member of the Qilin family?"

Princess Xiangxiang exclaimed, as a princess of the monster clan, she knows how noble the blood of the Qilin clan is.

It would be an honor if she gave birth to a child of the Qilin race.

The more Princess Xiangxiang thought about it, the more enthusiastic she became, and she suddenly forgot that she liked Shangxuan, the son of the Lion Clan.

"Father, I want to marry him."

Wolf King Nie Hong didn't say a word, he stared at Huo Qilin on the stage with frowning eyes, does this guy really want to marry her daughter?But why did he feel so unreal?

But no matter what, on the high platform, Huo Qilin had already defeated the young master of the tiger clan.

Seeing their young master being kicked off by the people on the stage, the members of the Tiger Clan immediately turned ugly.

All of them got up angrily and pointed at the people on the stage and shouted: "You fucking, you are a mentally handicapped person from which corner, you dare to hit me, son of the Tiger Clan."

"Yes, go up and teach him a lesson."

Huo Qilin glanced coldly at these people, then turned his head to look at Nie Hong, the wolf king on the side of the high platform.

"Excuse me, Lord Demon King, what does this mean? Could it be that today's martial arts competition has already appointed a son-in-law, so why did Lord Demon King say that before?"

Huo Qilin's words made Wolf King Nie Hong's face ugly, and he turned around and gave the members of the Tiger Clan a look.

Seeing that the wolf king was angry, the people of the tiger clan finally suppressed their anger.

Huo Qilin turned his head and looked down, clasped his fists and said in a deep voice: "Okay, someone wants to fight me now, if no one dares to challenge me on stage, I will become a son-in-law."

Huo Qilin's demeanor and tone, full of arrogance and arrogance, made the people watching below very angry.

Of course, the most angry people are the people of the five major races, and the others are better.

Looking at this person's skill before, he was very powerful. If he has the ability, he is naturally arrogant. Why are they angry, but the people of the five major races are angry.

The princess fell into one of their five families, and they wouldn't say anything, why would an outsider want to marry the princess.

It's so annoying.

Below the high platform, people from the five major races talked together, and in the end even Mr. Shangxuan and Mr. Hanling couldn't stand it anymore.

Mr. Han Ling was the first to dodge and jumped onto the high platform, he clasped his fists and looked at the opposite Huo Qilin and said: "Let me come down and ask this dear friend for advice."

Huo Qilin was about to make a move, when Chu Yunxi whispered below, "Huo Huo, let the rest of them go up together."

On the one hand, it saves trouble, and on the other hand, it also humiliates people of the five major races.

When Huo Qilin heard that it was true, he immediately looked at Mr. Hanling with a sneer and said, "Oh, didn't you say that all the masters of the five major races want to marry Princess Xiangxiang and be the son-in-law of Lord Demon King? One, logically there are four more, come on, let's go together."

(End of this chapter)

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