Chapter 1680
The demon queen Li Zhu seldom eats, and she relies on the liquid medicine to replenish her body's energy, but even so, her health is getting worse and worse. If this continues, she will definitely die.

Yuwan felt sorry for her master, but there was nothing she could do about it. Now that such a person came suddenly and told about her illness, then he must have a way to cure it.

Chu Yunxi glanced at the Demon Empress Lizhu, then at Yuwan, and said, "I want to know why my empress suffers from anorexia. Only by knowing the cause can I prescribe the right medicine."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, Yu Wan let go of her hand and looked at Li Zhu.

Li Zhu shook her head and said softly: "There is no cause, nothing."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Chu Yunxi, Yan Heng and the others and said, "Okay, you guys go out."

Chu Yunxi knew there was a story in it as soon as she heard it, and the demon queen Li Zhu didn't want to tell it.

Yan Heng on the side heard what the demon queen Li Zhu said, and quickly stepped forward and said, "I have something to ask my mother."

When he finished speaking, he didn't wait for the Demon Empress Li Zhu to speak, and quickly said: "I want to ask my mother, did the Demon King Li Yan marry a woman from the human world more than 20 years ago?"

As soon as this remark came out, the Demon Empress Li Zhu's face turned ugly instantly, and her emotions suddenly became agitated.

"Get out, get out of here, immediately, get out of here immediately."

Yuwan immediately came over: "You guys go away, the empress is in a bad mood, don't stay any longer."

Yan Heng wanted to ask again, but Chu Yunxi stretched out his hand to hold him, and the group walked out of the small courtyard.

Chu Yunxi had vaguely guessed that the Demon King Li Yan might indeed have brought a woman into the Demon Realm that day, otherwise the Demon Queen Li Zhu would not have been so excited.

And the reason why the demon empress Li Zhu got anorexia is probably related to the woman brought by Li Yan returning to the demon world.

Chu Yunxi didn't know what to say for a while, she carefully aimed at Yan Heng on one side.

Yan Heng's whole body was cold and silent, as if his whole body was covered with a layer of frost.

Chu Yunxi knew that he suspected that Li Yan had really brought a woman back to the Demon Realm.

Chu Yunxi didn't know what to say for a while, and Huo Qilin didn't dare to touch Yan Heng's bad luck at this time, so no one spoke for a while.

It wasn't until they exited the demon queen Lizhu's small courtyard that everyone's expressions returned to normal, but no one wanted to talk anymore. Finally, Huo Qilin expressed that he was tired and wanted to go back to the place where he lived, so Princess Xiangxiang sent them back.

Before leaving, Huo Qilin was still a little reluctant to let go, but Huo Qilin held back so that he didn't slap her out.

The courtyard where the Demon Empress Li Zhu is located.

Yu Wan walked in front of Li Zhu: "Your Majesty, why bother?"

Li Zhu shook her head, her emotions had returned to calm: "Yuwan, I'm fine."

She got up slowly, and walked all the way to the room where she was staying. Behind her, Yuwan looked at her empty clothes, only an empty frame remained.

Her heart ached like hell.

"Your Majesty, that young master told you about your illness, he must have a way to heal you."


Li Zhu's lifeless words made Yu Wan's heart ache.

She wanted to persuade her again, but Li Zhu had already entered her room and closed the door.

This side of the guest house.

Yan Heng was also in a bad mood, Li Zhu's previous performance had already explained everything.

Li Yan did bring someone back to the Demon Realm that day, and that person was his mother and concubine without accident.

So his mother and concubine really married the man who killed his husband and son.

Thinking of this, Yan Heng felt that a huge stone was pressed on his heart, and he felt that he was about to be unable to breathe.

(End of this chapter)

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