1683 Forbidden Land
Yuwan was stunned, unable to decide for a moment.

She looked at Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi and said, "Let me think about it."

Chu Yunxi did not urge her, nodded and said: "Okay, if you are willing to cooperate with us, you can go to the guest courtyard to find us tonight."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, she took Yan Heng and left.

Behind her, Yuwan slowly turned around and walked towards her yard.

As soon as she went back, the demon queen Li Zhu found that something was wrong with her, so she questioned her.

"what happened?"

Yu Wan quickly shook her head: "It's okay, I'm fine."

Only her eyes were red, giving away her words.

Li Zhu stared at her with an uneasy face: "Tell me, did you do something?"

Yuwan couldn't bear the pressure anymore, and knelt down with a plop: "Master, I met those people, they said that the master's illness is a heart disease, as long as you kill the wolf king and return to the demon world, the master's illness will be cured."

After hearing Yuwan's words, Li Zhu directly reprimanded: "Shut up, even if I die outside, I won't return to the Demon Realm, I won't go back, even if I die, I won't go back."

She grabbed her chest and clothes in pain, and her whole body was in agony.

Yuwan and Yulong on one side quickly supported her.

"Master, don't be sad, don't be sad."

Yuwan even cried and said: "I won't see them anymore, I won't look for them again, don't be sad."

Li Zhu said faintly: "Go and meet them, cooperate with them, kill Nie Hong, I want to kill Nie Hong."

Yuwan stretched out her arms to hug her master, crying loudly.

"Miss, my poor lady."

Li Zhu reached out and patted her on the back: "Don't cry, am I fine?"

Yuwan cried more and more sadly.

The room was full of desolation, Li Zhu coaxed Yu Wan for a while, and let her go to work.

"Go, ask them what they want, and help them as long as we can. I want Nie Hong to die."

If he hadn't insisted on marrying her back then, the person she liked wouldn't have died, and she wouldn't have been a walking dead for so many years.

So she was very happy to kill him.

After listening to Li Zhu's words, Yu Wan walked out of the room in response, and went all the way to the guest house where Yan Heng, Chu Yunxi and others lived.

In the guest courtyard, Chu Yunxi was comforting Yan Heng.

Ever since he knew that his mother and concubine had married the Demon King Liyan, he never said a word.

Chu Yunxi loves him very much, but no matter who it is on, he will not be happy.

"Don't be sad, after killing the wolf king Nie Hong and the people of the five major races behind him, we will go to the Demon Realm. I think there must be something we don't know about it."

Yan Heng's face became slightly gentler, and he stretched out his arms to hug Chu Yunxi tightly, as if this would warm his heart.

Outside the room, someone knocked on the door, Wei Li reported in a low voice: "My lord, my concubine, Lord Qilin asked me to call you, that woman named Yuwan is here."

Yan Heng let go of Chu Yunxi, and the two went to Huo Qilin's room together.

This time Yuwan was very straightforward: "Tell me how you want me to cooperate with you."

Chu Yunxi signaled Yuwan to sit down, she looked at Yuwan and said quickly: "I want to ask you something, is there a way for you to enter the forbidden area of ​​the Valley of Ten Thousand Immortals?"

"The forbidden area of ​​Wanxian Valley? What are you doing there?"

"I want to see the people in the forbidden area."

Yuwan thought about it seriously, and said: "In the forbidden area, people are indeed imprisoned, but we don't know what kind of people are imprisoned."

"Then is there a way for you to get us a blueprint of the forbidden area, I want to see the person detained in the forbidden area."

(End of this chapter)

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