Chapter 1687 Nine-Tailed Fox Mother

It's just that Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi have another layer of worry, that is, whether this is a play co-starred by Wolf King Nie Hong and Mr. Zening.

If this was a co-starring drama, they'd probably be caught out by them.

Because of this level of worry, Chu Yunxi arranged Huo Qilin at the exit of the forbidden area.

In addition to Huo Qilin, she also released all the big monsters and monsters in her space, and arranged guards from the outside to the inside.

In the forbidden area, there were many people guarding it, but after so many years of guarding, these guards have long been tired, and there has never been any problem, so the guards did not take it seriously at all. On the day of the wedding of the son-in-law and the princess, the big monsters who are in charge of guarding the forbidden area also went to find a place to eat and drink

In this way, Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi went straight to the forbidden area.

The forbidden area is like a labyrinth, with three floors inside and three floors outside, not only designed a lot of mechanism hidden weapons, but also designed a lot of formations.

However, Chu Yunxi and Yan Heng's ability is good, and Chu Yunxi is good at using poison and breaking formations, and they have the blueprint of Mr. Zening, so they entered the forbidden area unimpeded.

In the middle of the forbidden area is a millennium-year-old ice pool, from time to time frosty mist like ice rises from the pool water, the entire space of the forbidden area is filled with such white mist, this mist makes people unable to see the movement of the forbidden area. .

Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi held hands and carefully explored the place, and finally the two of them slowly moved towards the pool.

Leaning this way, you can see four long iron cables extending towards the center of the thousand-year ice pool in the center.

Chu Yunxi looked into the pool along the iron chain, and couldn't help being shocked when he saw that there was a person locked in the thousand-year-old ice pool.

The man was as thin as a child, with long hair hanging over his shoulders, and he was motionless as if dead.

It's just that her two hands and two feet were locked by iron chains, and she couldn't move.

Looking at such a scene, Chu Yunxi suddenly felt uncomfortable. She looked at the people in the pool and secretly guessed.

Could this person be her mother in this body, the princess of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan?

Thinking of this, Chu Yunxi's heart became hot, and she called out to the woman in the pool, "Hey, wake up."

It's a pity that the people in the pool still didn't move, and Chu Yunxi shot towards the pool as soon as he moved.

It's just that she hadn't approached yet, when she suddenly heard footsteps behind her.

Chu Yunxi stopped her body abruptly, she looked at Yan Heng, and after the two of them exchanged a glance, they quickly turned around and looked behind them.

Then he saw two monsters walking unsteadily over the passage of the forbidden area.

These two monsters are of the level of big monsters, and they seem to be drinking, so they walk staggeringly.

After Chu Yunxi and Yan Heng looked at each other, they said at the same time: "Kill them."

The two figures went straight towards the two big monsters.

Although the two big monsters were drunk, they could feel the danger instantly when they heard the sharp wind coming from their ears.

The two monsters raised their hands and greeted them.

It's just that although the two monsters are of the Great Monster level, they are no match for Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi after all.

As soon as the two big monsters fought with Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi, as soon as they felt the danger, they fled away, intending to report to the wolf king Nie Hong.

It's a pity that the two of them had just rushed a few meters away before their bodies softened and fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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