Chapter 1690 Opening the Secret Land

A light shone in Yaoyue's eyes, she had never seen her son before.

Seeing the light of survival in her eyes, Chu Yunxi immediately encouraged her again.

"Mother, do you know? Zhao Zhao looks exactly like you, just like a person."

Chu Yunxi's words were not false, because Zhao Zhao really looked like his mother.

Yaoyue couldn't help being fascinated, that was her son, the hope of their nine-tailed fox clan.

She wants to meet him.

Chu Yunxi reached out to take another pill and fed it into Yaoyue's mouth: "Mother, you persevere, I will come and rescue you soon with Zhaozhao."

This time Yaoyue nodded: "Okay, mother is waiting for you."

Chu Yunxi didn't dare to delay any longer, and led Yan Heng all the way out of the forbidden area of ​​the Valley of the Thousand Immortals, heading straight for a certain mountain in the Valley of the Thousand Immortals.

That is the secret place of the nine-tailed fox. In the secret place of the nine-tailed fox, there are many rare treasures, as well as the tombs of the nine-tailed foxes of the past dynasties, and there are many powerful sorcery and cultivation rules inside.

It can be said that this secret place is where the Nine-Tailed Fox's wisdom crystallized, and this is also the reason why Yaoyue did not die.

The reason why wolf king Nie Hong kept Yaoyue was because he wanted to know where the nine-tailed fox's secret place was. If he could know where the nine-tailed fox's secret place was, he could become an extremely powerful demon king. Can dominate the demon world.

Rather than relying on the hands of the five major races to protect his throne like now, and to marry a woman from the demon world as the queen, just to win over the power of the demon race.

But after so many years, the wolf king Nie Hong has not found the whereabouts of the secret place, and before he tossed Yaoyue's husband to death, Yaoyue almost blew himself up and destroyed Wanxian Valley.

Even though Yaoyue doesn't have the golden core in her body, she still has the Great Desolation Seal in her body, if the Great Desolation Seal explodes.

The entire Valley of Ten Thousand Immortals was blown to the ground in an instant, and without the Valley of Ten Thousand Immortals, how could he be so overbearing.

I'm afraid that the demon world will be in chaos, and the people of the five major races may not be convinced by him.

So in the end Nie Hong compromised and didn't dare to move Chu Yunxi and Chu Yunzhao's ideas anymore. Yaoyue said that if he moved Chu Yunxi and Chu Yunzhao, she would blew herself up and died with him.

Nie Hong, the wolf king, became frightened and uneasy. In the end, he didn't go to the human world to bring Chu Yunxi and Chu Yunzhao, but he didn't let Yaoyue go, and locked her in the millennium ice pool.

In the Millennium Ice Pool, ordinary people simply cannot bear the biting chill.

But Yaoyue has been receiving it for 20 years, and she hasn't handed over the whereabouts of the Nine-Tailed Fox's secret place for 20 years.

Chu Yunxi and Yan Heng had already reached the peak of the Nine-Tailed Fox's secret place at this time. According to the method Yaoyue told her, she broke through several hidden weapons along the way, avoided the formation, and finally touched the exit of the forbidden place.

Yan Heng raised his hand to form a barrier, and Chu Yunxi dripped blood to activate the mechanism of the Nine-Tailed Fox's secret place.

The trap was activated, and countless energy fluctuations sprang up from under the trap, and in the energy fluctuations, countless dragons and phoenixes danced out of the energy fluctuations. With a movement of Chu Yunxi's body, he shot over quickly and caught the words in these words. A few words, and then she quickly bit her finger.

She dripped blood on these words, and then she pressed the words on the door of the rotating circle similar to the Eight Diagrams Formation.

The door opened slowly, and an exit appeared in front of Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi.

The two went in with some men.

After Chu Yunxi and Yan Heng entered the secret place of the Nine-Tailed Fox, the barrier on the mountain peak disappeared.

The energy fluctuations also completely disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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