Chapter 1692 Siblings meet
In the dark, Huo Qilin, who had been lurking all this time, saw that he could no longer lie in ambush like this. If so, the princess would definitely die.

Huo Qilin was about to come out as soon as he moved, but before he could come out, he saw the man with a ferocious face who was about to strangle Yaoyue let go of her neck.

Nie Hong looked at Yaoyue and said fiercely: "I won't just kill you like this. You may still be useful, so I will save your life for the time being."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Yaoyue, seeing her pale and still beautiful face, and suddenly thought of the delicate and bright appearance of this woman in the past.

In fact, at that time, he had no intention of destroying the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan, he just liked him and wanted to marry her.

He even thought that in the future she would be the king of the demon clan, and he would do his best to help her.

But why doesn't she like him?

Nie Hong suddenly felt very sad when he thought of those long-ago events.

"Why, why do you just not like me? If you liked me, all this would not have happened."

Yaoyue was already weak, but after being pinched again, she is now so weak that she can't even speak a complete sentence.

But she still insisted and said: "Who in this world stipulates that if you like me, I must like you?"

After she finished speaking, she gasped violently, and had no strength to speak any more.

Nie Hong, the wolf king, seemed to have not heard her, chattering about their past.

A brilliant light appeared on his face unconsciously, as if those things happened yesterday.

Here the wolf king was talking about the past, and on the other side, Chu Yunxi, Yan Heng and others entered the secret place of the nine-tailed fox.

The secret place of the Nine-Tailed Fox turned out to be an underground mausoleum, and it was not the same one. As soon as Chu Yunxi and Yan Heng fell into it, they saw the splendor and splendor of the underground mausoleum. Powerful energy fluctuations, they can feel this energy fluctuations at a glance, it is the most suitable place for demon cultivation.

This place should be the place where the nine-tailed foxes of the past dynasties practiced. It is full of monster power and treasures can be seen everywhere.

However, although there are many treasures in the underground mausoleum, Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi have no intention of possessing them.

They took a few men along the route Yaoyue told them before, and walked in step by step. If Yaoyue hadn't told her, she would have no way to walk inside, because there are traps everywhere in the underground mausoleum. One accidentally touched the mechanism and triggered the mechanism.

Moreover, Chu Yunxi could feel that the Nine-Tailed Fox Underground Mausoleum should be guarded by the elders of Zhenling, because although she didn't see anyone, she always felt that there was a pair of eyes staring at them in the dark.

Just as Chu Yunxi was thinking, he suddenly heard a rumbling sound somewhere in the underground mausoleum, followed by a clear voice.

"Elder, can I go out now?"

This voice was not like the voice of a young child, it revealed the unique deepness of a teenager, but Chu Yunxi could still recognize it when he heard it, it was Zhao Zhao's voice.

So the rumbling sound before, is Zhao Zhao practicing sorcery?

Thinking about it, Chu Yunxi shouted eagerly: "Zhao Zhao."

In the Jiaye Palace of the Underground Mausoleum, the young boy is tall and tall, with clear frost on his brows and eyes.

If someone looked closely, they would find that the expression of his brows and eyes at this time was very similar to that of Chu Yunxi.

But when he heard Chu Yunxi's voice, his originally cold brows and eyes instantly softened.

He subconsciously called out: "Sister."

(End of this chapter)

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