The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 1695 I'm going to tear you into pieces

Chapter 1695 I'm going to tear you into pieces
Now it seems that those two guys are not ordinary people at all.

One of them was a nine-tailed fox, so he had made a mistake.

The more wolf king Nie Hong thought about it, the more crazy he became, he reached out and grabbed Yaoyue's neck and shook it vigorously.

"Damn you, damn you."

Yaoyue was originally in a coma, but after being pinched by him, she faintly woke up again.

Nie Hong, the wolf king, roared, "Tell me, is the evil son you gave birth to a nine-tailed fox? Isn't it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yaoyue didn't have time to speak, suddenly there was the sound of fighting behind him, and some subordinates rushed in from outside.

"King, someone came in from outside."

As soon as Wolf King Nie Hong raised his hand, he freed Yaoyue from the thousand-year-old ice rope, and he stopped pinching Yaoyue, and walked out with her in his hand.

As soon as he went out, he saw that there was a massacre in the Valley of Ten Thousand Immortals.

The wolf king focused his attention for a while, and then he felt that the slender boy in front of him, with eyebrows and eyes that looked like Yaoyue, was a natural nine-tailed fox demon. The wolf king became angry, and he held Yaoyue towards the NPC in front of him. He shouted: "Stop, if you do it again, I will kill her."

Yan Heng, Chu Yunxi, Zhao Zhao and others stopped their hands and feet, and everyone looked over quickly, and saw a woman who was as thin as a child in the hands of Wolf King Nie Hong.

As soon as Zhao Zhao saw the woman, he cried out in distress: "Mother."

His call made Yaoyue wake up, she raised her eyes and saw her son.

This child, whom she didn't even have time to teach when she was born, did not expect him to be so good-looking, and she could see that his demon power was very powerful.

This is good, the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan can finally have an offspring again, and she is content.

Yaoyue's heart relaxed, and she finally fell into a coma. This time, she was completely relaxed, unlike the previous ones.

It's just that her coma deeply stimulated Zhao Zhao, Zhao Zhao's eyes couldn't help but turn red, he pointed at the wolf king Nie Hong and shouted angrily: "You damn scum, I will tear your body into pieces."

Nie Hong, the wolf king, sneered and said, "Now, you immediately destroy the golden core for me, or I will kill her."

After he finished speaking, he raised his hand abruptly to pinch Yaoyue's neck.

Yaoyue is already breathing in more air than exhaling less, if she is pinched by him again, she will definitely die.

Zhao Zhao's face turned pale instantly, while Chu Yunxi on the side sneered, and she sternly shouted, "Huohuo, do it."

In the dark, Huo Huo had been staring at the wolf king Nie Hong. When he heard Chu Yunxi's order, he exploded abruptly and came straight to the wolf king Nie Hong.

His speed was as fast as a streamer, and he arrived at the side of the wolf king Nie Hong in the blink of an eye. The wolf king Nie Hong was a bit slow, knowing that he was going to take people away.

As soon as he moved, he wanted to attack.

But in an instant, he found that he couldn't move.

Nie Hong didn't know that as soon as Chu Yunxi appeared, he put a drug that made people unresponsive in the air, although it was only for a short moment.

But Huo Huo snatched him from his hands.

Chu Yunxi moved and shot to catch Yaoyue.

She looked at Yaoyue's emaciated face, and thought of her 20 years of being trapped in the millennium ice pool.

Chu Yunxi could no longer control her orders to Zhao Zhao.

"Zhao Zhao, kill them, kill them all."

Zhao Zhao's eyes shone fiercely, like demon pupils, he raised his hand, red demonic aura enveloped his whole body, and he went straight to wolf king Nie Hong. .

In Wanxian Valley, all the defenders rushed over.

(End of this chapter)

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