Chapter 1697 Everything is retribution

Nie Hong, the wolf king, shouted with a ferocious face: "Even a small skill dares to show your ugliness."

Chu Yunxi sneered and said, "Don't be afraid of small skills, as long as it works."

After the wolf king repelled the peach blossom weapon, he dodged to leave, but unfortunately he found that his actions were much slower in an instant.

And at this time, Zhao Zhao from behind had arrived by his side.

He raised his hand abruptly: "Golden Wheel Nine Flame Palms."

A palm rose from the sky, and slapped wolf king Nie Hong fiercely.

Nie Hong's body froze for a moment, and when he realized it, the huge golden palm had already slapped him.

The big palm slapped him directly into the deep pit.

Nie Hong, the wolf king, was photographed seriously injured, and Zhao Zhao stepped forward and landed in front of him. He looked down at him with a vicious gleam in his eyes.

If he dared to hurt his mother like this, he would not keep him.

It's just that when Zhao Zhao was about to raise his hand to severely injure him, the little Qingdie behind him, who had been seriously injured by him with the Nine Sun Power Battle, suddenly raised his hand and slapped Zhao Zhao.

She wanted to save Nie Hong's life, but it was a pity that Chu Yunxi patted her one step faster than her.

With one palm, Xiao Qingdie was completely beaten so much that she breathed in more and breathed out less.

Chu Yunxi and Zhao Zhao stood side by side, looking at the little blue butterfly on the ground.

"You are really a wolf-hearted person. I heard that my mother treated you very well back then, but you actually betrayed her. Today we will definitely make your life worse than death."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, she didn't talk to Xiao Qingdie. She raised her hand abruptly, sacrificed the poison that would make people's body rot, and sprinkled it on Xiao Qingdie's body.

It not only sprinkled on Xiao Qingdie's body, but also on the wolf king Nie Hong.

Little Qingdie didn't care about hurting herself, but begged Chu Yunxi and Zhao Zhao to let wolf king Nie Hong go.

"Please, let him go, please let him go"

"Everything is my fault, I am willing to die, I just ask you to let him go."

Chu Yunxi looked at her with a sneer: "You are really wishful thinking."

When she finished speaking, Xiao Qingdie let out a scream.

Nie Hong, the wolf king, also screamed, and their bodies began to rot.

Starting from the feet first, slowly going up bit by bit, their eyes were full of horror, and they kept screaming.

In Chu Yunxi's hand, Yaoyue woke up, watching all this with cold eyes, and slowly smiled softly.

"Retribution, everything is retribution."

In the Valley of Ten Thousand Immortals, people from the five major races saw that the wolf king Nie Hong and Concubine Die had been wiped out, and they all dared not love to fight any more, and hurriedly fled in panic.

However, among the five major races, Mr. Zening brought a group of people to help Chu Yunxi and others kill the enemy, so this group of people did not leave.

After the battle, Nuoda's Ten Thousand Immortals Valley was full of mess and blood.

At this time, the Great Elder had brought a group of people up to Yaoyue, and said respectfully: "My subordinates are waiting to see the princess."

"See Princess."

Yaoyue raised her head and looked at the Yaozu people who were kneeling on the ground, a smile finally appeared on the corner of her mouth.

It's just that she was injured, so she couldn't bear it and passed out.

Zhao Zhao yelled in shock, "Mother, mother."

Chu Yunxi looked up at the elder of the Yaozu in front of him and ordered: "Elder, my mother is not well right now, and the affairs in the Yaozu will be handled by you for the time being, and I will talk about it after my mother recovers better." The matter of the king's succession."

"Yes, princess."

The Great Elder did not dare to neglect the woman in front of him. Today, the wolf king was successfully eliminated, and this woman was indispensable.

Although she is a woman of the human race, she is exceptionally powerful.

"Yes, little princess."

(End of this chapter)

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