Chapter 1703
Chu Yunxi, who was at the bottom, suddenly felt sorry for Yan Heng when he heard the voice above.

Those people killed his father, and his aunt took him to Dongchen. They must have suffered a lot at that time, but as his mother and concubine, they married other men. She also gave birth to a child, and she especially dotes on this child.

If Yan Heng saw this scene, he must be very sad.

Chu Yunxi didn't even know how to solve the situation in front of him.

In the front pavilion, the queen's order has come down.

"Okay, let the show girls come over, in groups of five, each of them will report their name, family, and their own strengths and weaknesses."

When the queen gave an order, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs immediately brought people over, and ordered everyone to go forward in groups of five to report their names, family backgrounds, and their own strengths and weaknesses. In short, it was to show themselves in front of the queen and the prince. You can marry into the palace.

And right now the prince doesn't have a single woman by his side. If he can't become a princess, if the prince falls in love with him, then it's the same for him to be a side concubine.

After all, there are very few men like Wang who marry a woman all their lives. They dare not imagine the prince marrying a woman.

So when choosing concubines today, the prince might choose a few more.

Thinking of this, everyone happily stepped forward to show themselves.

Chu Yunxi was in the middle, so she was not in a hurry, she just thought that she was impersonating someone else, so she calmed down and thought carefully about the name of the woman she had impersonated before. Something went wrong at this place.

If something went wrong at this time, and the prince gave an order, someone would drive her out, but she would not be able to see the queen.

So she must stay, and then find a way to get close to the queen, so that she can know the truth of the year.

Chu Yunxi was thinking wildly, the group of people in front had already shown themselves.

But it was clear that the prince was not very interested from beginning to end.

Just like what he said, with such a beautiful mother by his side, his vision has been spoiled, and ordinary women are nothing to him at all.

He is not interested either, if his mother hadn't forced him to sit down, he would have left long ago.

Looking at these women, it is better to find a few brothers to go hunting. Why bother watching these women flaunting their heads, it is meaningless at all.

In the pavilion above, the beautiful empress queen saw her son absent-minded, and felt helpless in her heart.

This time, the reason why she held the prince selection event was because her son refused to marry a wife, so she held this event.

She always thought that her son might not like women from famous families like the imperial capital, so she ordered the entire demon clan to let women from noble families in the folk also enter the palace audition. She didn't believe that her son would not be able to find the woman she liked.

But now it seems that this kid is really not interested.

Not to mention that the first two mothers and sons each have their own thoughts, the women who are running for the election below also have their own thoughts.

The prince doesn't like a single woman, so is it possible that he likes them?Everyone was worried, and many people secretly thought about how to attract the prince's attention.

But after a lot of hard work, I didn't hear the prince's praise, but I heard his disdainful and contemptuous face: "It's so ugly."

In the end, the queen saw that there were fewer and fewer women, and it was not a solution to go on like this. Could it be that Haixi didn't choose any of them today? In this case, wouldn't it be a joke for the prince to choose a concubine?

In the end, the queen began to call the shots forcefully: "You, you stay."

"And you."

(End of this chapter)

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