Chapter 1705 He Didn't Die
Chu Yunxi relaxed slightly and said, "Prince, you think too much. If the prince doesn't like me, I won't like the prince."

Even if you fancy my sister and me, I can't see you either.

After hearing what Chu Yunxi said, Li Tian looked constipated.

The queen on one side found it interesting. These two little enemies look like fighting spirits. This little girl is interesting.

"Liu Xianghe, right? You stayed."

"Thank you queen."

Chu Yunxi thanked her, and Wang Zili yelled at his mother unhappily: "Mother, why are you keeping this woman, I won't take her seriously."

The queen reached out and patted Li Tian's hand: "Don't make trouble."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Chu Yunxi and motioned her to stand aside. Chu Yunxi saluted neither humble nor overbearing, and walked to the side.

Litian in the pavilion was still protesting, but unfortunately the queen ignored her, and Chu Yunxi even ignored him.

Everyone here is busy with the audition, at the entrance of the imperial garden, several people walked towards here while talking.

The leader is tall and burly, with resolute and three-dimensional features, and his eyebrows and eyes are as sharp as a knife. This man is Wang Liyan from the demon world.

Li Yan looks like a tough guy, at first glance, everyone thinks that he is not easy to get along with.

In fact, he is the man who loves women the most in the devil world. Everyone in the devil world knows that the king loves the queen like a lifeblood. No one is allowed to touch it. He doesn't care if someone slanders him. Unlucky.

Therefore, the woman that the women in the devil world envy the most is the Queen Empress. Not only men dote on her, but also sons dote on her.

A woman is really the biggest winner in life when she lives for her share.

Today, the prince is choosing a concubine, and Li Yan comes to accompany his wife as soon as he is free.

As for the matter of his son marrying a concubine, he didn't care at all.

It's just that when Li Yan came over, he happened to run into an old friend who came to see him.

Originally, he didn't recognize this person, but Li Yan didn't know who he was until this person opened his mouth to reveal his identity.But once he knew the identity of this person, Li Yan was terrified, and he rushed to the imperial garden without stopping.

It seemed that if he came a moment late, his woman would disappear.

It's just that he just walked into the imperial garden, the handsome man beside him suddenly reached out and grabbed him, pulling him towards the imperial flower.

Li Yan was inexplicable, and at the same time his face was not good-looking: "Xia Houxuan, what are you doing?"

Xia Houxuan, in fact, at this time, he is wearing the appearance of the guy named He Yunhe who is under the Tianqing Sect Master.

This He Yunhe died in that big battle. At that time, he used a secret method to save his soul.

As soon as He Yunhe died, he was resurrected through his body.

He found a way to come to the Demon Realm, in order to force Li Yan to help him attack Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi.

The Heavenly Phoenix Empire is his country, and if he wants to take it back, he must take it back.

It's just that he didn't expect to see Chu Yunxi in the Demon Realm, that woman who was supposed to be superior, how could she appear in this place?
Xia Houxuan thought about it and leaned forward to look again, and finally confirmed that, yes, that woman was that woman Chu Yunxi.

Xia Houxuan's face turned black instantly, and the anger in his eyes surged up, and then he turned his head to look at Li Yan.

"Li Yan, do you know one thing? That child didn't die back then?"

"What child?"

Xia Houxuan said with a sneer with a puzzled expression on Li Yan's face.

"His Royal Highness, he didn't die. The reason why I became like this is because he led people to snatch my throne and destroy my body."

"So you came here just to let me help you attack the Heavenly Phoenix Empire? This is impossible."

(End of this chapter)

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