The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 174 Heart Disease Needs Heart Medicine

Chapter 174 Heart Disease Needs Heart Medicine

The He family, the No. 1 prominent family in Lingjiang City, although their family has no ties to the imperial court, and they have not been associated with many powerful families, but because they have Poison Dragon Peak as their backing, no one dares to offend the He family.

Dongchen No. [-] Academy, Baifeng Academy is the academy under He Family's family. In the early years, many ministers of Dongchen Kingdom went out from He Family Academy.

But in recent years, people from all over the world favor martial arts over literature, and the He family academy has gradually declined. Later, the He family changed its thinking and the academy opened up cultivation courses. Originally, not many people would participate in the cultivation courses offered by the He family.

But I don't know where the He family got a divine artifact, the Heavenly Spirit Pagoda.

This tower can absorb the energy between heaven and earth, and students in the academy can enter this tower to practice.

In the territory of Dongchen Kingdom, the Yuan power has always been thin, and entering the Tianling Pagoda to practice will get twice the result with half the effort. As a result, the He Family Academy has flourished again.

It's just that the Heavenly Spirit Pagoda needs a large amount of monster crystals to support it, and ordinary people simply cannot afford such a Heavenly Spirit Pagoda.

But the He family is not afraid. The second son of the He family, He Yunhe, is still a rare business genius in the world. He has as much money as a cow's hair. Even the treasury of Dongchen Kingdom may not have as much money as he has in his hands, so he supports a Tianling Pagoda. Nothing happened to him at all.

Not long ago, He Laoer was attacked by someone, so he injured his leg. The He family invited famous doctors all over the world, but they didn't heal He Laoer's leg.

Previously, people from the Yanling Palace came to the He family to buy dragon scale fruit, but were directly rejected by the He family.

He family.

In the luxurious hall, a thin but vigorous old man roared with vigor.

"Trash, one or two are both trash, and they usually look very capable, but when it comes to the critical moment, they all become incompetent people, obviously incompetent, and even came to my He family to cheat for food and drink. Is my He family easy to bully? Come here, throw all these guys out for me."

After the old man finished speaking, several figures from outside the door came in, and went straight to the people standing at the bottom of the hall. They all had bitter expressions on their faces, and some of them argued.

"Patriarch He, we don't blame us for this matter. It's because Master He Er's legs can't find out the symptoms, and we can't do anything about it."

"That's right, he was neither poisoned nor hurt his leg. Logically, his leg is fine."

"I think Second Young Master He's leg should be a heart disease. The so-called heart disease still needs heart medicine. The first thing we need to do is to find out what heart disease the Second Young Master has. If we find the heart disease, maybe one by one."

This person hadn't finished speaking, and the He family leader above had already pointed at the speaker with big eyes like copper bells and cursed: "Hey, what's wrong with my grandson, you are incompetent and still sophistry, get out of here."

After He's master finished speaking, the next He's attendant stretched out his hand to pull these doctors, intending to drive them out of He's house.

It's just that before the people were kicked out, someone came in from outside the door and said: "Patriarch, there is someone outside the door who wants to see you, and she said that there is a way to heal the young master's leg."

As soon as the words fell, Patriarch He's face turned green. Is it easy to bully all of them as members of the He family?
"Go, go, let him go."

When Patriarch He thought that his handsome and filial grandson would never stand up again, his heart ached terribly, and his grandson's legs were not as simple as being unable to stand up, his legs were as painful as if they were placed in an ice cellar.

Seeing that the grandson who brought hope to the He family was enduring these pains, he wished he could bear it for him.

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(End of this chapter)

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