Chapter 176 Negotiation Success
After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, Chu Yunmu was the first to disagree. He said with a sullen face, "No, what if you plot against my grandfather?"

Chu Yunxi laughed softly: "Do you think I can count on Patriarch He?"

He Yunmu concentrated on feeling the Yuanli aura on Chu Yunxi's body, and found that the woman's Yuanli aura was very weak, most of it was the cultivation base of a warrior, and his grandfather was the cultivation base of a fourth-rank Martial King. Wanting to hurt him is simply whimsical.

It's just that Chu Yunmu squinted at the woman opposite, feeling a little uneasy in his heart. Because of this uneasiness, he didn't want to leave.

But Patriarch He said, "Yun Mu, take someone out."

He Yunmu still wanted to talk, but Patriarch He glared at him, so he had no choice but to take people out.

Chu Yunxi waited until the members of the He family withdrew, and with a wave of her hand, Wei Li and the others retreated behind her.

In the hall, only Chu Yunxi and He Weitian were left.

Chu Yunxi raised his hand and took off the cloak on his head, looked at Master He with a smile on his face and said, "I am Chu Yunxi, Princess Yanling."

"Princess Yanling?"

The Patriarch of the He family, He Weitian, was full of surprise. He had heard about Princess Yanling. It was rumored that she was the concubine that the Holy Majesty pointed out to enter the Yanling Palace. The Holy Majesty's move was clearly to embarrass the Yanling Palace.

He had never heard anyone say that Princess Yanling could be a doctor. If she could be a doctor, why didn't she cure her husband's poison.

He Weitian's complexion immediately turned dark, and he said in a deep voice: "I've never heard of Princess Yanling being a doctor, are you making fun of me?"

As soon as He Weitian finished speaking, the coercion on his body was suddenly released. Chu Yunxi immediately felt the strong coercion suppressing her, and she was almost out of breath. She raised her eyebrows and said calmly.

"Could it be that Master He forgot that the people from the Yanling Palace came to buy dragon scale fruit earlier? I came here to get the dragon scale fruit. If I heal your grandson's leg, can Master He save the dragon scale fruit?" Give me the scale fruit."

Chu Yunxi didn't wait for He Weitian to speak before he finished speaking.

"The dragon scale fruit is the antidote to my prince's poison. I have told Patriarch He such an important matter. Does Patriarch He still believe me?"

Chu Yunxi knew that if he didn't come up with some reasons to convince Master He, he would not allow himself to heal his grandson.

Sure enough, when Chu Yunxi said that the Dragon Scale Fruit was used to detoxify Yan Heng, Patriarch He He Weitian's expression changed.

"You can really heal my grandson's leg. You must know that many doctors have seen my grandson's leg. They said that my grandson is not sick or poisoned. His leg is fine, but my grandson's leg is fine. It was painful, and I believed what he said was true."

Chu Yunxi smiled lightly and looked at Patriarch He: "Can you ask the old man to take me to have a look, I will do my best to heal Lingsun."

He Weitian looked at Chu Yunxi, thinking that she told him such an important matter earlier, he believed this woman for no reason, even though she was so young.

Forget it, a dead horse is a living horse doctor, anyway, let's try it.

"Okay, I'll take you there myself."

He Weitian got up and walked out. When he passed by Chu Yunxi, he said: "If you can really cure my grandson's leg, I will give you the dragon scale fruit. In addition, my He family owes you a favor. If you need it in the future, just ask me."

"Okay, it's a deal," the two came out of the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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