Chapter 189 The prince is really scary
Yan Heng thought about closing her eyes and ignoring Chu Yunxi, but Chu Yunxi was not happy because of Yan Heng's words, she still closed her eyes and rested, as if she didn't hear what Yan Heng said.

The more Yan Heng thought about it, the angrier she became. She said such things, shouldn't this woman be happier?He even said to give her the fifth-grade Yuanling Pill.

Yan Heng was so angry in his heart that he didn't want to say a word to Chu Yunxi in the end, and the atmosphere between the two of them became stiff all of a sudden.

For the next day and night, the two of them didn't say a word.

The subordinates of the Yanling Palace naturally also felt the cold and hard atmosphere between their masters. Mu Xiu tried to repair the relationship between the two, but failed in the end.

Wei Li looked like he was watching the show, while the other men hid as far away as possible.

The carriage entered Beijing in an awkward atmosphere.

As soon as Chu Yunxi arrived at the Yanling Palace, she couldn't wait to jump off the carriage and rushed into the Molan Hall of the palace. Those who didn't know thought she was in a hurry to visit her sweetheart.

But in fact, he was visiting his younger brother.

Mu Xiu deeply sympathized with his master in his heart.

Yan Heng got out of the car under the strange eyes of his subordinates, his whole body was cold, like a big ice cube.

But when Yan Heng left, all his subordinates breathed a sigh of relief, even Wei Li, who was busy watching the show all the way, also breathed a sigh of relief.

Your Highness is really scary.

Wei Li wondered why his master was so capricious, after much deliberation, Wei Li decided one thing, that is Chu Yunxi recruited the peak to provoke the butterfly to make the prince unhappy.

Wei Li scolded Chu Yunxi again in his heart.

Chu Yunxi didn't bother to pay attention to them at all, she had already rushed into the west hall of Molan Temple.

Zhaozhao was fine in Molan Hall, Chu Yunxi was relieved to see that Zhaozhao was fine, she was outside these few days, and was always worried about Zhaozhao.

Because she hadn't forgotten that there were two women, Liu Ruqin and Yan Xueying, living in Yanling Palace, what if they plotted against Zhao Zhao?
But fortunately nothing happened, Chu Yunxi was completely relieved.

When Zhaozhao saw Chu Yunxi, he was indescribably sad: "Sister, can you go out and take me with you in the future, I'm so worried about you."

Chu Yunxi took a closer look and found that Zhao Zhao's face seemed to have lost a lot of weight. It seemed that the little guy was telling the truth.

She left, and he lost weight because of worry.

"Okay, my sister promises you that I will take you with me when I go out in the future."

Zhao Zhao was finally happy, and stuck to Chu Yunxi not to let go.

Outside the door, Mu Xiu came in with one of his subordinates, and said respectfully: "Princess, my lord, please go over."

Chu Yunxi immediately thought of detoxifying Yan Heng. After detoxifying Yan Heng, she would be free.

Chu Yunxi thought about letting go of Zhao Zhao: "Sister, go over there."

Chu Yunzhao didn't let go, Chu Yunxi teased him with a smile: "How about when my sister comes back and takes you out to eat?"

Chu Yunzhao was stunned. From childhood to adulthood, the number of times he went to the streets was very few. At this time, when he heard Chu Yunxi's words, he couldn't react at all. Caizhu who was waiting on the side said excitedly: "Miss, I'm going too, I'm going too."

"Okay," Chu Yunxi agreed, and she asked Caizhu about her cultivation with concern: "How is your cultivation going?"

Caizhu said shyly, "It's not very good, I just cultivated the first level of Yuanli."

(End of this chapter)

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