Chapter 211 Pipa Yin Killing
Heiyun Chilian Snake immediately raised half of its head and shook its head towards the people in the hall.

Everyone watched it move, feeling cold in their hearts, quickly looked at Ye Liyue and said: "Miss Ye, don't let it move, it's too scary."

"Yeah, don't let it move, we're all scared to death."

In the main hall, Yu Wenye looked at the woman in the middle of the hall with a smile on his lips, an undetectable tenderness flashed quickly in his dark pupils, but he quickly averted his gaze.

Ye Liyue didn't seem to notice, she continued to instruct Heiyun Chilian Snake to lie down, and finally she summoned a fourth-order monster.

The white-eyed devil tiger, as soon as this monster appeared, everyone in the hall trembled.

"God, the fourth-order monster, Ms. Ye is too powerful."

"Look quickly, the eyes of this white-eyed devil tiger are all white. Don't look at its eyes as white, but its eyes are really powerful."

"The fourth-order monster is extremely demonic, how could it surrender?"

"It means Miss Ye is amazing."

In the main hall, Ye Liyue showed it again, and finally, under the strong request of everyone, instructed the three monsters to retreat.

The atmosphere in the hall was indescribably eager, everyone excitedly talked about Ye Liyue's ability to control beasts.

The old emperor looked at Ye Liyue with a smile in his eyes, and finally his eyes brushed the cheek of the crown princess Ye Rong seemingly intentionally or unintentionally.

The crown princess Ye Rong looks bright and charming. She was the most beautiful woman in Kyoto at that time, and later married the crown prince as the crown prince. When the crown prince was alive, the two were beautiful and affectionate. After the crown prince passed away, the crown prince never smiled or wore Even a bright dress rarely appears in front of everyone.

The reason why it appeared this time was because the emperor planned to choose a grandson concubine for Yu Wenye. As the mother of the eldest grandson Yuwen Ye, Ye Rong would naturally appear.

Ye Rong didn't seem to notice the old emperor's eyes, her beautiful eyes fell on Ye Liyue lovingly.

This niece is somewhat similar to her, I hope her life is better than hers.

In the main hall, Shao Qingzhu, the daughter of the empress's natal Shao family, slowly stood up.

Shao Qingzhu is tall and plump, and her clothes are very bold and spicy. A tight-fitting purple lotus embroidered dress perfectly exposed her figure. Her slender waist is hard to grasp, her plump waist, her round buttocks, everything All really seduce the man's attention.

Many people in the hall looked at her with fiery eyes, and she calmly enjoyed the eyes, with an indescribable joy on her face.

When Shao Qingzhu got up together, the first queen looked at her with a smile on her face, as if she was very satisfied with this niece.

"What does Zhu'er want to perform?"

Shao Qingzhu said flamboyantly: "Go back to my aunt, and Zhu'er will perform a Yin Sha for everyone."

After she finished speaking, she reached out and took out a pipa from the table beside her. She pressed the pipa with both hands, and a melodious and soft sound sounded in the hall instantly, but after a while, the sound of the pipa became more and more intense. More than half of the people inside felt a headache, as if there were countless invisible flying needles piercing their heads.

Someone couldn't bear it and yelled: "Ah, stop playing, I have a headache."

"I also have a headache. Miss Shao, stop quickly, stop quickly."

More than half of the people in the hall couldn't bear such an attack and cried out.

The queen looked at everything below, and smiled with satisfaction. It's no wonder that she is a prostitute carefully cultivated by the family, but it's different.

The queen said: "Zhu'er, it's alright, let's go to the end."

 I will try my best to add updates to you tomorrow, haha, am I a good baby?
(End of this chapter)

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