Chapter 216 Superb Medical Skills (Add More)

On the Yaohua stage, Yuwen Lingtian didn't speak for a long time, Yuwenye slowly got up and looked at Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi.

"Does the lord know that if you are so dedicated to protecting Chu Yunxi, if Chu Yunxi can't heal, the lord has committed the same crime of deceiving the king as Chu Yunxi, is the lord sure you want to protect her?"

Yu Wenye wanted to drag Yan Heng into the pit. If Chu Yunxi really didn't know how to heal, Yan Heng would also commit the crime of bullying the king.

Even if Grandpa Huang can't sanction him immediately, he will slowly tarnish his reputation.

When his reputation is ruined, they can use the hands of the world to attack this man.

Yu Wenye had wishful thinking in his heart, while Yan Heng said calmly: "She is the princess of the Yanling Palace, so I naturally want to protect her. If she loses face, it will be my Yanling Palace that loses face."

"Emperor's eldest grandson, just find someone to try my concubine's medical skills, the king trusts her."

Yan Heng really believed in Chu Yunxi's medical skills. His poison could not be cured by many people, but Chu Yunxi easily cured it. He believed in her medical skills.

Yu Wenye's eyes were full of darkness, he turned his head and leaned closer to an eunuch's ear, and ordered a few words.

The eunuch turned around and walked out of the hall. There was silence in the hall, and everyone was staring at Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi.

Some people speculate whether Chu Yunxi really knows how to heal?But I've never heard of this.

If she is beautiful and good at medicine, why no one knows about it, the eldest grandson of the emperor probably doesn't know about it.

If she reveals this, the emperor's eldest grandson may not marry her.

Outside Yaohua Terrace, the eunuch quickly brought a woman in. The woman looked haggard, looked bored, yawned from time to time, and walked all the way in through the circular arch.

After Yu Wenye glanced at the woman, he said in a deep voice: "Princess Yanling, please let the eldest grandson of the emperor see the superb medical skills of the princess?"

Yu Wenye's words hinted at sarcasm, he did not believe that Chu Yunxi had medical skills.

This is clearly a slap in the face by Yanling Wang Yanheng, who asked someone to detoxify the poison on his body, saying that his poison was detoxified by Chu Yunxi. Grandpa pointed this woman, Chu Yunxi, into Princess Yanling.

The corner of Yu Wenye's mouth curled into a smug smile, and he looked at Chu Yunxi coldly with his black eyes.

Chu Yunxi didn't move at all, she only glanced at the woman brought in by the eunuch, then turned to look at the emperor Sun Yuwenye and said.

"This woman just took the Sai Peony. The Sai Peony flower is big and colorful. After taking it, people will become dependent and cannot live without this flower. But this flower is a poisonous flower that can destroy all the essence of a person. In the end The bodily functions were exhausted and he died."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, the people around him were astonished. They all looked at the woman standing in the middle of the Yaohua Terrace, and then at Chu Yunxi.

Discussing whether what Chu Yunxi said was true or false, could this woman diagnose the symptoms of the woman in the temple just by looking at her twice, without even checking her pulse?

Chu Yunxi was too lazy to speak any more, she turned around and glanced at the people around her, then pointed at one of them.

"His face is shriveled, his eyes are dull, and his spirit is thin and haggard, which is the cause of flatulence. He can't eat too much. If he eats too much, he can't digest it. He can't sleep at night, so he has no energy during the day and his energy can't keep up with it." superior."

As soon as Chu Yunxi finished speaking, the person she pointed at nodded her head again and again: "Yes, yes, Wang Hao is very accurate, Wang Hao has a way to heal."

 Jia Geng came early in the morning, come and praise me...

(End of this chapter)

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