Chapter 223

Chu Yunxi was just thinking about it, when she suddenly felt a chill on her neck, she subconsciously opened her eyes, and saw Yan Heng reaching out to touch her neck.

Chu Yunxi's face immediately turned ugly, and he said coldly, "What is the prince doing?"

Yan Heng squinted at her phoenix eyes, and said angrily, "I'll give you the medicine."

After he finished speaking, Chu Yunxi smelled a cool smell of medicine in the air, and it turned out that Yan Heng applied the medicine for her.

It's just that she was really not used to him approaching her, so Chu Yunxi reached out and snatched the medicine from Yan Heng's hand, and wiped it on her neck indiscriminately.

"I'll do it myself, and I won't bother the prince."

Yan Heng looked at her with dark eyes, and it took a long time before he said coldly: "Chu Yunxi, if this king remembers correctly, you are my concubine."

This woman defends him like a wolf, is it necessary?

After Chu Yunxi randomly applied some medicine to himself, he handed the medicine to a small shelf on one side.

"What do you mean by that, lord?"

"You are my king's concubine, this king's woman, don't be on guard all the time, as if this king is your enemy."

Chu Yunxi snorted coldly in her heart, heh, who warned her not to think about his concubine position before, and now she said that this king's concubine, this king's woman, has such a thick face.

Chu Yunxi was dissatisfied in her heart, but her expression was as usual: "How can the prince be my enemy, we are partners in cooperation."

The last two words were bitten hard by Chu Yunxi, Yan Heng naturally heard her intention, she was reminding him that they are just partners, nothing else.

This made Yan Heng angry, he didn't believe that this woman would not understand his intentions, he had already accepted her as his concubine.

But this woman actually reminded him that they were just partners, so she didn't plan to stay at all.

A proud son of heaven like Yan Heng, when did he put his hot face against someone else's cold butt, so his complexion instantly darkened, his whole body was as cold as water, and the carriage was filled with cold air.

Chu Yunxi didn't seem to feel it. He leaned against the wall of the room and closed his eyes again to rest his mind. Yan Heng on one side was angry, and he suddenly shouted to the outside: "Fu Sheng, go check out the national teacher Ye Ling immediately. identity of."

"Yes, my lord."

In fact, the prince had already ordered them to check the identity of the national teacher Ye Ling, but they didn't find out. This man seemed to appear out of thin air.

But the prince asked them to check again, and they just checked.

The carriage of the Yanling Prince's Mansion went straight to the Palace, and the carriage stopped outside the gate of the Palace.

Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi got out of the car with cold faces. They ignored each other and walked straight to the palace.

Behind Mu Xiu, Wei Li and the others looked puzzled. When they first entered the palace, they were clearly fine, but this was another conflict.

The prince's face stinks, and his expression is full of unhappiness. They'd better be careful.

Chu Yunxi ignored Yan Heng and walked all the way into his west hall. It was already dark, Zhao Zhao and Caizhu were all asleep.

Thinking of what happened to Ye Ling in the palace today, Chu Yunxi couldn't fall asleep for a while, and finally just sat cross-legged on the bed to practice Yuanli.

In the bedroom of the East Hall, Yan Heng thought of what Chu Yunxi said earlier, although he didn't explicitly reject him, in fact he had already rejected him.

Thinking of that woman refusing to be his concubine, the more Yan Heng thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt, and the more he thought about it, the more annoyed he became.

How many women in this world wanted to be the concubine of King Yanling, but that woman refused, it's really hateful.

Thinking of this, Yan Heng couldn't fall asleep no matter what, and ended up rolling around all night until dawn.

(End of this chapter)

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