Chapter 241 Self-comfort
Below the high platform, everyone watched a wolf and a man walk down the stage leisurely.

The picture is indescribably beautiful, just like a painting, but just a moment ago, this ferocious big guy bit off a person's neck with one bite, causing people to lose their lives, but now it is like A big loyal dog, and this big dog is extraordinarily obedient.

You must know that even if the beast master tames those monsters, the monsters will sometimes provoke the beast master very unruly.

But the Flying Silver Wolf in front of him was completely obedient, not daring to make the slightest provocation.

What exactly did Chu Yunxi do to make this monster so docile and obedient.

In the Colosseum, fierce discussions rang out from time to time, Chu Yunxi seemed to have not arrived, and led the fifth-order monster Flying Silver Wolf all the way down the high platform.

Wherever they went, a wolf and a wolf, they all subconsciously avoided, these people were afraid that their necks would be bitten off by the flying silver wolf.

Don't look at the obedient look of this fifth-order monster towards Chu Yunxi, but towards others, the wolf eyes emit an extremely ferocious light.

Where Chu Yunxi couldn't see it, it grinned at the people around it as a demonstration.

But as soon as Chu Yunxi looked over, it became obedient like a little pet, rubbing against Chu Yunxi's leg from time to time, master, he is very obedient.

Under the fighting beast stage, everyone gasped.

"My God, is the princess of the Yanling Palace really a beast master, and she should be a very powerful beast master. She tamed a fifth-level monster without even using the beast master's skills."

"And did you find out? Flying Silver Wolf is as obedient as a little pet in front of her, not at all demonic, even if it is a monster tamed by a beast master, it will fight with the beast master every now and then, but you see Flying Silver Wolf doesn't dare to disobey her at all."

"It seems that Princess Yanling is not only a fifth-level beast master, she is probably a very powerful beast master."

In the colosseum on the first floor, there was a lot of talk, and in the private room on the second floor, everyone was talking lively.

The emperor Sun Yuwenye's face was indescribably gloomy at this moment, he clenched his fingers tightly, and slammed the table in front of him hard.

If the woman downstairs is really Chu Yunxi, then what a failure he is in life.

This woman has a stunning appearance, superb medical skills, good talent in Yuanli, and now coupled with top-notch beast control skills, such a powerful woman is not willing to marry him.

He was such a failure, no, no.

This Chu Yunxi was not the cowardly and incompetent woman in the Duke of Chu's mansion, she was a substitute hired by King Yanheng of Yanling.

Yes, it must be so.

In the private room upstairs, Yu Wenye was comforting himself, and in the hall downstairs, someone remembered the marriage between Yu Wenye and Chu Yunxi.

"You said, Princess Yanling is so powerful, why has she been hiding from the emperor's eldest grandson?"

"Haven't you heard? It seems that the emperor's eldest grandson and Princess Yanling's younger sister have hooked up, and that's why Princess Yanling concealed all the truth."

"You said that what happened on the wedding day was planned by Princess Yanling herself. She actually didn't want to marry the emperor's eldest grandson, so she resorted to such means on the wedding day."

"Not to mention, it's really possible that this is the case. It seems that Princess Yanling doesn't like the eldest grandson of the emperor, so she designed to divorce the eldest grandson of the emperor."

(End of this chapter)

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