The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 254 Princess, we will have a long time in Japan

Chapter 254 Princess, we will have a long time in Japan

Yan Heng's face turned cold when he heard Chu Yunxi's words, and his black pupils were full of displeasure.

The kid from the He family had his own princess in mind, how could he let the princess go to the Tianling Pagoda of the He family.

Yan Heng thought while saying, "Recently, our main task is to deal with Yu Wenye and Chu Yutang. The matter of cultivation is secondary. Don't you want to deal with Yu Wenye and Chu Yutang?"

When Chu Yunxi heard this, she looked up at Caizhu, and when she saw Caizhu who was seriously injured, she immediately hated Chu Yutang.

That's right, the first task right now is to deal with Yu Wenye and Chu Yutang, because they are eyeing her now, if she doesn't take action, it will only bring bad luck to her and even the people around her.

"Okay, let's deal with Yu Wenye and Chu Yutang first, and put aside the matter of cultivation later."

Chu Yunxi's words made Yan Heng feel relieved, and his heart relaxed a lot, and the words he said in a good mood were extraordinarily gentle.

"This king knows that you are in a hurry to practice. I still have a Yuanling Pill with me. I will give it to you later, and you are advancing too fast. Don't worry about practicing anymore. You should find more people to practice and make Yuanli stronger." It is more abundant and more freely applied, instead of just focusing on advancing, without any actual combat experience."

"This king told you that two people with the same cultivation base of Yuanli, one with no actual combat experience and one with sufficient actual combat experience, can defeat the inexperienced person within two moves."

Yan Heng's words shook Chu Yunxi's mind. Before, she was only focused on advancing, so she really didn't think about it.

"You're right, I was only focused on advancing, but I forgot about other things, but the prince of the Yuanling Pill should keep it, you won't be rewarded for nothing, and when I make meritorious service, the prince will reward me again It's the same."

Yan Heng was so easy to talk tonight, it made Chu Yunxi a little uneasy.

She really didn't dare to ask for Yan Heng's things anymore, lest he owe him something later.

Seeing Chu Yunxi's cautious look, Yan Heng thought it was funny.

It turned out that his concubine also had times of uneasiness and fear, and he thought she was not afraid of anything, but now he knew that she was most afraid of being in debt.

"You and this king are partners. Your cultivation base is high, which is also beneficial to our cooperation, so don't refuse."

Chu Yunxi thought for a while, and the strong determination in her heart overcame everything else, so she agreed.

"Okay, then I will thank you, my lord."

Yan Heng listened to her polite words, but rarely changed his face.

Princess, we have a long time to come, and I am not in a hurry.

A group of people walked all the way into the Molan Hall of Yanling Prince's Mansion. After Yan Heng sent Chu Yunxi and Caizhu into the West Hall, someone from outside the door hurriedly reported: "Your Majesty, the driver who was caught at the auction earlier The beast master bit his tongue and killed himself."

Yan Heng's face was cold. Even if the beast master killed himself by biting his tongue, he could more or less guess that what happened in the Colosseum was probably caused by Yu Wenye, but he knew that in the underground Colosseum, who came.

Others would not go against them at this time, Yan Heng was thinking, when Mu Xiu walked in and reported: "My lord, the underground black market Colosseum sent 50 taels of silver bills, saying that I was shocked Wangfei, an apology gift for Wangfei."

Yan Heng reached out to take the 50 taels of silver note and handed it to Chu Yunxi, but Chu Yunxi didn't take it. The reason why the people in the Colosseum offered 50 taels of apology was because of Yan Heng's face. If it wasn't for Yan Heng, they would have ignored her at all.

So she couldn't ask for it, and she was more willing to ask for Yuanling Pill than 50 taels. As for any more, she didn't want any more, lest she owed others too much and couldn't pay it back.

(End of this chapter)

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