Chapter 260 Witnesses
When the people in the hall saw Chu Yunxi's appearance, they all believed that she had been torn apart and felt guilty.

Yan Heng looked at herself, the princess, with a playful face, is she addicted to playing?

But he didn't say a word, he just looked at Chu Yunxi indulgently.

Chu Yunxi didn't notice Yan Heng's eyes, she stared at the female guard and said with heartache: "Caizhu, tell me, did someone order you to do this, and did someone beat the scar on your face? "

After hearing Chu Yunxi's words, Chu Yutang felt a little flustered, fearing that Caizhu would say something she should not say, he immediately shouted: "Thief, do you think I only have Caizhu as a witness?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he said abruptly to Yuwen Lingtian who was standing above him: "My lord, I still have a witness to prove that this woman is not my niece."


The eunuch's shrill voice sounded outside the hall: "Princess Jia'an is here."

Everyone in the hall looked at the front of the hall in unison, and Princess Jia'an in pink came in from outside the hall.

Princess Jia'an's steps were a little weak, and her face was very haggard, as if she had been hit hard. She walked in from outside the hall step by step, her steps were indescribably heavy.

When passing by Chu Yunxi's side, she raised her eyes to look at Chu Yunxi, with tears swaying in her eyes, she opened her mouth lightly, and humbled herself to Chu Yunxi with uncomfortable lips.

"Cousin, I'm sorry."

After she finished speaking, she didn't dare to look into Chu Yunxi's eyes, and walked all the way to the center of the hall.

Princess Jia'an knelt under her highness, and greeted the old emperor slowly: "My son has seen the emperor."

Yuwen Lingtian waved: "Get up."

"Thank you, Father," Princess Jia'an Yu Wenzhen stood up and stood in front of His Highness, Yu Wenling said in a deep voice, "Jia'an, do you also think that the woman His Highness is standing on is not your cousin Chu Yunxi?"

Jia'an's fingers were clenched into a ball, and she tried hard to stabilize her figure, and finally said: "Yes."

His voice was indescribably low, the old emperor Yuwen Lingtian was a little dissatisfied, this daughter is timid and weak, every time she sees him she dare not even raise her head, is he so scary?Yuwen Lingtian stared at Yu Wenzhen's head angrily.

"Tell me how you found out that this woman doesn't belong to your cousin."

"Father, my cousin has a milder personality and a little courage, but this woman has a colder temper and a lot of courage. The most important thing is that my cousin has a green mole under her right arm, but she doesn't have one, so Ever since I saw that there was no birthmark under her arm, I suspected that she was not my cousin."

Princess Jia'an Yu Wenzhen pointed to a place on her right arm, her words became thinner and her head lowered.

She couldn't express the guilt in her heart, cousin, I'm sorry, I can't help it, don't blame me, if I don't do what my uncle said, he said that my father would kill my mother and concubine.

As soon as Yu Wenzhen's words fell, there was a commotion in the hall.

Zhao Yuli stood up angrily, and scolded Chu Yunxi: "Well, you are a daring villain, you dare to play a trick of stealing dragons and turning phoenixes, not only deceived the Holy One, but also deceived the prince of Yanling, hurry up! Say, what have you done to the young lady of the Chu family? Where is she now?"

Gu Dashi quickly said: "Zhao Yuli's words are really funny, he must have been killed by her."

The whole hall was full of voices blaming Chu Yunxi, as if she was the thief who murdered Miss Chu's family.

In the upper position, Yuwen Lingtian made an attack: "Come here, pull down the villain who dared to murder someone's life, and put him in a prison to wait for interrogation."

(End of this chapter)

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