Chapter 268 Our Palace Treated You Badly
When Yan Heng heard Chu Yunxi mention Ye Ling, his eyes turned cold, but his expression returned to normal. He turned his head and squinted at Chu Yunxi and said, "I haven't found out yet, but this king has I have some clues, and I believe there will be news soon.”

Seeing that his expression was normal, Chu Yunxi breathed a sigh of relief, thinking to herself that she really thought too much earlier.

The next two people did not speak, and the carriage went all the way back to Yanling Palace.

At this time, the sky was already bright, and there was the sound of shouting and shouting on the side of the street. After a night of tossing, Chu Yunxi was very hungry at this time, and smelling the smell of meat buns in the air, he felt even more hungry.

"My lord, why don't we go back home after eating out?"

Chu Yunxi opened her mouth tentatively, Yan Heng turned her head to look at her, the faint light of the morning sun sprinkled on the girl's clear eyebrows and eyes through the brocade curtain, the coldness of the past was less, and there was a little more ethereal and pretty, just like a flower blooming in the sky. The most beautiful flowers on the branch.

Seeing the unexplained softness in Yan Heng's heart, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, and he nodded in agreement.

"it is good."

Upon hearing Yan Heng's agreement, Chu Yunxi immediately ordered outside: "Find a shop and stop, we want to eat."

The carriage soon stopped in front of the famous Baiweizhai in the capital. Baiweizhai is a century-old shop. The pastries and snacks made in the shop are very delicious, so there are many guests every day.

It was morning at this time, so there were a lot of customers in the store. When Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi and his party appeared, it caused a lot of commotion. When the famous god of war, Lord Yanling, everyone fell silent.

But after Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi went to the private room on the second floor, there were repeated compliments from behind.

"God, the prince of Yanling is so handsome, a rare handsome man in the world."

"The prince of Yanling is so handsome, why are there rumors that he is the king of ghosts? I thought he was ugly."

"It seems that he likes to wear a half-ghost mask when he fights, so people at the border called him that."

"By the way, is the beauty next to the Prince of Yanling the Princess of Yanling, Chu Yunxi?"

"Well, it should be. It is rumored that she has become beautiful and very smart. Now it seems that it should be true. She and the prince are a good match."

Chu Yunxi didn't seem to hear the discussion of the people behind her. She just wanted to eat right now, and she was so hungry that she felt like she could eat a cow.

Yan Heng, who was beside her, heard the discussion of everyone behind her, turned around and looked over, she looked small, but there seemed to be a huge amount of energy hidden in her body, even the emperor facing Dong Chen didn't have the slightest bit of energy fear.

Such a woman is indeed quite suitable for him, thinking that she is now his concubine, Yan Heng's mood gradually improved.

A group of people walked up to the second floor, and Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi entered the private room.

Chu Yunxi didn't forget Qingyan Qingwu, Caizhu and others who were behind her, and she ordered someone to open a private room for these close waiters so that they could also eat something.

As for Yan Heng's subordinates, it's not her business.

In the private room, Xiao Er quickly brought up several signature snacks from Baiweizhai.

As soon as Chu Yunxi saw the food, she began to eat with her eyes shining. Although her mouth was not big, she ate the snacks quickly and vigorously, one bite at a time. Yan Heng looked at her eating posture and couldn't help it. The corner of his mouth twitched, and he finally asked.

"Princess, is the Yanling Palace starving you? If people outside see you eating like this, they will think that our Yanling Palace has treated you badly."

(End of this chapter)

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