Chapter 270 Visit by the King of Chu
When Chu Yunxi heard Yan Heng's words, she immediately shifted her attention and seriously thought about Chu Yutang.

Opposite Yan Heng's long and narrow phoenix eyes, sparks danced faintly, and a sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, like a thousand-year-old fox.

Chu Yunxi didn't notice his expression, and only said quickly: "I plan to take advantage of the victory and pursue him, so that he has no chance of turning over. Does the lord have any good ideas?"

She did have an idea in her heart, but she didn't know if Yan Heng had any plans in mind.

Just as Chu Yunxi was thinking, someone knocked on the door outside the private room, and Wei Li's voice sounded outside: "My lord, His Royal Highness King Chu is here."

In the private room, Yan Heng glanced at Chu Yunxi, and quietly said, "Why don't we mess up the water in this pool."

"Your Highness, please."

Chu Yunxi signaled, and Yanheng ordered outside the door: "His Royal Highness, please come in."

Wei Li responded, and said respectfully to King Chu Yu Wenmo outside: "His Royal Highness, please."

Yu Wenmo, king of Chu, is the son of Concubine De in the palace. Concubine De comes from the Marquis of Guangyang, which is a well-known aristocratic family in Dongchen, and all the disciples in the clan are handsome and extraordinary. The son even worshiped under the name of the chief master of Huayun Sect, and he is a direct disciple of Huayun Sect.

His alchemy talent is very powerful. Although he is only 25 years old, he is already a second-rank alchemist. I heard that he will break through and become a third-rank alchemist soon. At such a young age, he has such a high level of cultivation. The future is not without attracting attention.

This son of the Marquis of Guangyang, named Fang Zihan, is one of the candidates most wanted to marry by the first daughter of the aristocratic family in Kyoto.

The Fang family is the reliance behind the King of Chu. The King of Chu is a strong opponent of the future prince. Many ministers in the court have taken refuge in his side.

His Royal Highness Chu Wang, male and female, although he is a man, his appearance is very feminine and gorgeous, he is also a bit cold, and his methods are even more terrifying. I heard that if someone commits a crime in his hands, he will definitely be worse than death.

Chu Yunxi was digesting the information in his mind when the door of the private room rang, and two figures walked in from outside the door.

The tall, slender man with soft features in front of him should be His Highness the King of Chu. Behind the King of Chu is a man who is not tall but has handsome and gentle features. This person should be Fang Zihan, the Marquis of Guangyang.

As soon as the two came in, they greeted Yan Heng.

"The prince is eating here too. We are about to leave. When we hear that the prince is here, come over to say hello."

Yan Heng's deep eyes flashed, nodded and said: "His Royal Highness, Prince Fang, please sit down."

Chu Yunxi got up and gave way to one side, giving up two positions.

Yu Wenmo greeted Chu Yunxi with a smile: "Thank you, Princess Yanling."

Yu Wenmo's eyes were full of probing and deep thinking. Chu Yunxi, this woman was so secretive. After hiding for so many years, she killed her own second uncle in one fell swoop. This woman has extraordinary means.

Now that she is married into Yanling Palace, Yan Heng is like a tiger with wings added, if he is willing to help him, why would he not be able to accomplish anything.

Yu Wenmo came down with Fang Zihan while thinking.

Chu Yunxi smiled lightly and asked Yu Wenmo: "My lord, do you want to eat more?"

Yu Wenmo shook his head: "No need, we had dinner earlier."

Chu Yunxi stopped talking, and looked up at Yan Heng. Yan Heng was eating slowly, but he was not in a hurry to ask His Highness King Chu what was the matter.

(End of this chapter)

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