Chapter 276 Let him ruin his reputation
While thinking, Chu Yuyan looked at Chu Yunxi and said, "Chu Yunxi, you are deliberately planting dirt to frame my father. My father did not send someone to kill your maid, nor did he let anyone frame you. You are a fake at all. Yes, you are fake."

The real Chu Yunxi wouldn't be so powerful, she didn't have such abilities.

The person in front of me is fake, fake.

After Chu Yuyan finished speaking, she turned around and ran out, followed by the servant girls of the Chu family.

In Baiweizhai, everyone had everything to say, but Chu Yunxi looked at Yan Heng and said, "Let's go."

Yan Heng nodded slightly, and the group walked out. The people behind them looked at the pair of people walking away, and praised again.

On the carriage of Yanling Palace, Yan Heng looked at Chu Yunxi and said, "I'm going to see General Pan Lang, do you want to go together?"

"Pan Lang?" Chu Yunxi had no idea about this person, because his predecessor did not have such information in his mind.

Yanheng briefly introduced Pan Lang: "He is a powerful general under Chu Yutang. He is very cruel, powerful, and brave in battle. However, he is very lecherous. There are as many as thirty."

After listening to Yan Heng's words, Chu Yunxi thought for a while, and knew what Yan Heng was up to.

"My lord is planning to instigate Pan Lang against Chu Yutang."

"Why not?"

Yan Heng reached out and took out the tea set from the hidden compartment on the side of the carriage, and then he slowly made the tea: "What good idea does the princess have, tell me about it?"

When he raised his eyes, there seemed to be a stream of light flowing in them, those eyes were like shining gems, which dazzled people, especially when he spoke in that low magnetic and seductive voice, which made people's hearts beat fast for no reason up.

Chu Yunxi glanced at him, not daring to look any further.

"I want to discredit him, even if he dies, he will be infamous."

This is her confession to her predecessor. After getting rid of Chu Yutang and severely punishing Yu Wenye, she can leave Dongchen with peace of mind.

Yan Heng poured a cup of tea and handed it to Chu Yunxi: "The princess means that she intends to confirm Chu Yutang's reputation for killing her brother."

Chu Yunxi nodded, and took a sip of the tea gracefully.

"Well, harming others is the end, and my father was originally killed by him and the old emperor. Now they are reaping the fruit of their own accord, and besides my father, I am afraid that all the people under my father were also killed by them. So it is not a pity for this person to die."

"Then let's ruin his reputation. Let's go to see Pan Lang first. Apart from being lustful, this man is also greedy for power. I think he must really want to win the military power of the Chu family."

Chu Yunxi nodded, and ordered Fu Sheng outside to ask Qingwu to send the colorful beads back to the Yanling Palace, and the group of them went to the camp outside the city.

Prince's House Study.

Chu Yuyan was brought in, and she saw the noble man sitting behind the desk in the study, and the man was looking at her with deep eyes.

Chu Yuyan didn't care to explore the man's meaningful pupils, she ran over crying as soon as she saw the man.

"The eldest grandson of the emperor, you have to help my father, he is the one who wholeheartedly wants to help the eldest grandson of the emperor."

Compared to Chu Yuyan's excitement, the emperor, Sun Yuwenye, was exceptionally calm. Seeing that delicate figure about to fall into his arms, Yu Wenye stretched out his hand to block Chu Yuyan.

(End of this chapter)

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