Chapter 279 Ambition
Yan Heng reminded her: "Wangfei forgot what I told you earlier, Pan Lang is very lustful, if he sees Wangfei, he might be tempted."

"Could it be that the prince is still afraid of a little chariot general?"

"This king is not afraid of him, but this king can't control his eyes. If his eyes are aiming randomly, whether this king will gouge out his eyes or kill him, he is still useful right now."

After hearing Yan Heng's words, Chu Yunxi twitched the corners of his mouth, but finally said nothing.

The carriage did not directly enter the camp, but drove into a mountain not far from the camp.

Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi got off the carriage and waited, while Wei Li, Mu Xiu and other guards hid in the dark far away.

Chu Yunxi and Yan Heng didn't wait for a long time before they heard footsteps behind them. The two turned their heads and saw the few people walking towards them. , walking, the flesh on that face trembled, and this person's eyes were full of fierce light.

At first glance, he was not a good person. As soon as this person appeared, his eyes fell on Chu Yunxi first, and then Yan Heng.

"Your Majesty has met Prince Yanling."

Yan Heng looked at Pan Lang and nodded, as a greeting.

Pan Lang had come to vote for him before, but Yan Heng looked down on him, and in the end he was voted under Chu Yutang's hands and became the best weapon in Chu Yutang's hands.

But this sharp weapon will soon devour the Lord.

Just as Yan Heng was thinking, Pan Lang turned his head and clasped his fists to look at Chu Yunxi: "This must be the princess of Yanling, I have seen the princess before."

Although they greeted each other, they stared at Chu Yunxi probingly, as if they wanted to take off the veil on Chu Yunxi's face to take a look.

Yan Heng's face turned cold all of a sudden, and he shot Pan Lang with cold eyes.

Pan Lang was still afraid of Yan Heng, so he didn't dare to be so unscrupulous. He only regretted for a moment, then looked at Yan Heng and said, "I don't know what the lord wants to see my servant for?"

Yan Heng said coldly: "Does General Pan know about the Duke's imprisonment?"

Pan Lang nodded: "Yes, I just received the news that the Duke was sent to prison, and I don't know the details yet, so I just want to go back to the city to inquire about the news, to see if I can help the Duke. Master contributes?"

Yan Heng looked at Pan Lang with a smile on his lips: "General Pan is really kind and righteous, but is the general really willing to throw out what he got?"

Pan Lang was startled, then quickly looked at Yan Heng and asked, "What does the prince mean?"

Yan Heng looked at him with a half-smile: "I don't believe that General Pan didn't think about it. Ming people don't say dark words, so General Pan is meaningless?"

Pan Lang froze. In fact, he had been staring at the military power in Chu Yutang's hands all along. There was no general who didn't want to hold the military power.

But it is not easy for the Chu family army to change masters. Although his subordinates obey his orders, most of them are the old troops of the former Duke of Chu, and those people will not listen to him.

Pan Lang didn't speak, just stared at Yan Heng, not understanding what Yan Heng's purpose was for looking for him this time.

"What does the prince mean? Please speak directly."

"I sent an opportunity to General Pan. What General Pan lacks right now is an opportunity, a chance to take over Chu's army in a legitimate way."

Pan Lang's heart beat faster, his fleshy face was faintly covered with crimson.

It's just that he suppressed it as hard as he could, and didn't show his face. In fact, Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi had already seen his excitement.

This person really has ambitions, but he has been unable to take over in a legitimate way.

It seems that this time the two of them came to the right place.

(End of this chapter)

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