Chapter 282

Chu Yunxi reached out to hug him, and asked with concern: "How is Xiaodouzi? Is he better?"

"Sister, don't worry, Xiaodouzi is much better, and he will be fine soon."

After finishing speaking, Chu Yunzhao said as if thinking of something: "Sister, when will you teach me to cultivate Yuanli?"

Zhao Zhao has always remembered to protect Chu Yunxi, if he becomes stronger, no one will dare to bully her sister in the future.

Chu Yunxi knew what he was thinking, smiled and stretched out her hand to touch his little face, and said seriously: "I will teach you to practice when my sister passes the training this time."

Zhao Zhao looked up at Chu Yunxi: "Sister, do you want to practice?"

Chu Yunxi nodded, and told Chu Yunzhao: "Sister is practicing in seclusion, you have to be obedient, you know? Take good care of Xiaodouzi and Xiaolang."

A certain wolf in the back looked at the siblings gratefully, the master is well.

Chu Yunxi reminded Hongshang and Bishang to take good care of her younger brother, and only after making arrangements for her could she rest assured to practice in seclusion.

Qingyan and Qingwu are guarding the door for her, and no one is allowed to enter her place.

As soon as Chu Yunxi entered the room, she took the fifth-rank Yuan Ling Pill. She hoped that this time she could rush into the fifth-rank martial artist's Yuanli cultivation base. If she could reach the fifth-rank cultivation base, she could use her spiritual power The elixir was refined by fusing the elixir fire.

If she can refine the elixir, she will be able to treat people's diseases with twice the result with half the effort in the future.

Chu Yunxi began to practice while thinking, the Molan Hall was quiet, and the servants walked lightly, for fear of disturbing the princess's cultivation.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and Chu Yunxi really rushed to the fifth-rank martial artist's Yuanli cultivation in one go.

At this moment, she only felt that her meridians were abundant, and her Yuanli cultivation was not the same as in the past. Although the Yuanli cultivation of a fifth-rank martial artist was not high, it was not bad.

As soon as Chu Yunxi raised her hand, the Yuanli between her fingers was much stronger than before. If it wasn't for the fear of damaging the things in the room, she really wanted to try the Yuanli cultivation of this fifth-level martial artist to see what was there. Such power.

However, considering that the things in the Yanling Palace could not be destroyed, she held back.

In the room, Chu Yunxi was engrossed in his thoughts, when a cold voice sounded from outside the room: "Has your concubine come out yet?"

"If you go back to the prince, the princess hasn't come out yet."

Qing Yan answered outside, Yan Heng's voice came in again: "Well, if she leaves the customs, let her come to the East Hall immediately."

As soon as Chu Yunxi heard it, she knew that Yan Heng wanted to find her for something, but she didn't know what it was.

Chu Yunxi got off the bed and walked out the door. Yan Heng, who was about to leave outside the door, heard the movement in the room, and knew that Chu Yunxi was leaving the customs. He stopped and turned around to look over.

Yan Heng knew that Chu Yunxi's cultivation was already that of a fifth-rank martial artist at a moment's notice. He curled his lips into a chuckle: "Congratulations, princess."

Chu Yunxi nodded in a happy mood: "Finally, I have achieved something, and I have to thank the prince for the Yuanling Pill. In order to thank the prince, I plan to cook a table of dishes for the prince to eat."

Yan Heng's black and stone-like bright pupils flashed with sparkling light, and his whole person was indescribably gorgeous, as if he was as graceful as Yulang Jun.

The servants not far away stared dumbfounded, is this the prince of their family?The prince has always been cold and cruel, when did he become so tender.

But to be honest, their prince is really handsome after losing his noble and glamorous image.

Everyone was muttering to themselves, but Yan Heng had already opened his mouth: "I'll have dinner later, this king came to you with something to tell you."

"My lord, please speak."

(End of this chapter)

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