Chapter 284 Can Dead People Talk?
Yuwen Lingtian knew that Chu Yutang would not be able to keep things going this far.

"Where is King Qin?"

Qin Wang Yu Wenyi came out: "My son is here."

Yuwen Lingtian decreed: "You join the Ministry of Criminal Justice and Dali Temple to try this case, and you must give an explanation to the former Duke."

"My son leads the order."

In the study room, the eldest son, Sun Yuwenye, looked a little unhappy. The emperor seemed to be dissatisfied with him. The case should have been handed over to him, but instead it was handed over to King Qin.

Chu Wang Yu Wenmo was also very upset, because he was the one who reminded his father about the military power of the Chu family. He originally thought that his father would hand over the case to him for trial, but unexpectedly he handed it over to King Qin.

The king of Chu was in a depressed mood, and Chu Yunxi didn't care what others were like, but she solemnly thanked Yuwen Lingtian, who was at the head.

"Xie Sheng is on."

When Yuwen Lingtian saw her, he felt uncomfortable. He would never tolerate this woman.

Thinking of this, Yuwen Lingtian turned his head and glanced at Yuwenye again. The disappointment in this glance was indescribable. If it wasn't for his grandson's wedding day, why would he be like this now.

Yuwen Lingtian waved his hand, and all the people in the upper study retreated out.

In the front, Zhengqing of Dali Temple, Shangshu of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, was discussing with the King of Qin about the interrogation of the case. Behind, the Emperor Sun Yuwenye and the King of Chu, Yu Wenmo, stared at the high-spirited King Qin in front of him.

In this game, it was clear that Qin Wang won.

Yu Wenye looked at Yu Wenyi with a gloomy face, then he slowly turned his eyes away, looking at Princess Yanling Chu Yunxi.

The reason why Grandpa Huang was disappointed with him was because he miscalculated Chu Yunxi.

It is precisely because he misjudged Chu Yunxi that today's series of troubles happened.

The more Yu Wenye thought about it, the more angry he became, and when he thought about the fact that Chu Yunxi would rather pretend to be ugly and incompetent than marry him, he felt discouraged.

Could it be that the eldest grandson of the emperor of Dongchen Kingdom is not as good as King Yanling? Chu Yunxi, just wait for me.

Yu Wenye swore fiercely, while the king of Chu on one side was secretly thinking whether the military power would eventually fall into Pan Lang's hands. Pan Lang had expressed his determination to rely on him before, so he naturally found a way to help him Get military power.

Yan Heng was accompanied by a few ministers in the court, and they talked all the way to the open space in front of the study, while Chu Yunxi quietly followed them and walked to the carriage of the Yanling Palace.

After getting into the carriage, Chu Yunxi sneered and said, "It seems that the old emperor has given up on Chu Yutang's useless pawn, but isn't he afraid that the dog will bite someone in a hurry? If Chu Yutang bites out what he did , the old emperor ordered him to do it, I want to see how the old emperor will explain to the world?"

Yan Heng said lazily, "Do you think dead people can talk?"

Chu Yunxi was startled, and looked at Yan Heng: "My lord means that His Majesty will have Chu Yutang killed."

"No, Chu Yutang will die willingly."

Yan Heng stopped talking after finishing speaking, he knew that with Chu Yunxi's cleverness, he would definitely understand what he said.

Chu Yunxi did understand the meaning of Yan Heng's words, the Holy Majesty would definitely use the Chu family to threaten Chu Yutang, if Chu Yutang wanted to protect his family, he could only follow the Holy Majesty's arrangement.

Thinking of this, Chu Yunxi said unwillingly, "Should we get Chu Yutang out and let him tell the world that what he did was ordered by the Holy One."

Yan Heng shook his head and vetoed: "This is the end of this matter, even if Chu Yutang is brought out, for the sake of the Chu family, Chu Yutang will definitely not bite out the Holy One, so if we continue to do it, it will be easy for us to be passive. "

After thinking about it, Chu Yunxi understood this truth, and it was too much to add to the superfluity.

"That's how it is," Chu Yunxi nodded, no longer entangled in this matter, she turned to look at Yan Heng and said, "Didn't you say before that I will cook something for the prince after I pass the training? It's noon today. I will cook myself and cook a table for the prince to taste."

"Okay," Yan Heng became happy, her already beautiful eyebrows and eyes became more and more sparkling, and the words she said were as warm as a spring breeze.

"How far is your Yuanli cultivation now?"

When this topic was mentioned, Chu Yunxi was very happy, and she said happily with a smile on the corner of her mouth: "At present, I am already a fifth-rank martial artist with the cultivation of Yuanli."

Yan Heng's phoenix eyebrows twitched lightly. Although she knew beforehand that this girl was already a fifth-rank martial artist, but now she heard that she still felt that this girl's cultivation talent was ridiculously high, which seemed a little unreasonable.

Yan Heng looked at Chu Yunxi worriedly, Chu Yunxi noticed that there was something wrong with his face, and asked strangely, "What's wrong?"

Yan Heng said worriedly: "Your cultivation talent is outrageous, there is nothing wrong with it."

As soon as he said it, Chu Yunxi also felt that his cultivation talent was unreasonable, so what was the reason for this?

Yan Heng stretched out his hand to grab Chu Yunxi's hand, and lightly tapped Chu Yunxi's meridians with his fingers, and used Yuanli to check the situation in Chu Yunxi's body, but the result of the inspection was that nothing happened.

"It's okay," Yan Heng felt relieved, but still reminded Chu Yunxi: "Although it's okay for the time being, it's better not to practice so radically in the future, and it's better to condense the strength."

Chu Yunxi nodded: "Okay."

Her eyes accidentally touched Yan Heng's hand holding her, and Chu Yunxi quickly broke free, looking to the other side with an uncomfortable expression.

Yan Heng didn't care at first, but when Chu Yunxi struggled, he realized that he just touched his concubine's hand, but the soft touch was really good.

A strange feeling surged in Yan Heng's heart. In fact, although Yan Heng was the king of Yanling, he rarely had contact with women, let alone had skin-to-skin relationships with women.

All along, he has looked down on women in his bones, women are dispensable to him.

But there happened to be a woman in his life who surprised him.

Right now Yan Heng regards Chu Yunxi as his concubine wholeheartedly.

What happened when he touched his princess?Thinking of this, Yan Heng calmed down, but when he looked up and saw Chu Yunxi's uncomfortable expression, he immediately felt teasing.

"Princess, are you sorry? You are my concubine, what's wrong with touching your hands?"

After Yan Heng finished speaking, his tall body leaned forward and moved directly to Chu Yunxi's side. The breath he exhaled hit Chu Yunxi's face.

Chu Yunxi was drunk by the heat, and turned around in annoyance like a fox with fur fried.

Unexpectedly, Yan Heng was too close to her, when she turned around, her cheek hit Yan Heng's face straight, the two of them collided mouth to mouth, Yan Heng even took the opportunity to kiss her.
Chu Yunxi was annoyed, and rushed out of the carriage.
In the car, Yan Heng was startled, and subconsciously lifted the curtain. Outside the car, Mu Xiu, Fu Sheng and others exclaimed: "Princess."

Yan Heng was worried about Chu Yunxi at first, but seeing her stepping out of the carriage neatly, she headed straight for Yanling Palace.

Yan Heng felt relieved, a charming smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.
Outside the carriage of Yanling Prince's Mansion, Mu Xiu, Fu Sheng, Wei Li and others looked at their prince's appearance of successfully stealing incense, and they all knew what happened in the carriage before.

Mu Xiu and Fu Sheng were indescribably happy. If the prince and concubine get along well, the Yanling Palace will be peaceful in the future.

Wei Li felt sore in his heart, the prince clearly liked the concubine more and more, it seemed that Miss Biao really had no chance.

Maybe he won't even be able to enter the palace in the end, because the prince is very self-conscious and doesn't want to touch women casually. It's rare for him to get close to a woman. Now that the princess is in his eyes, is he still willing to get close to other women?
Everyone here has their own thoughts. On the other side, Chu Yunxi ran furiously while scolding Yan Heng angrily.

"Yan Heng, you bloody bastard."

While cursing, she wiped her mouth vigorously. Although Chu Yunxi had lived two lives, she had never had such contact with any man, let alone being kissed.

Chu Yunxi was already in a bad mood, but she was stopped by someone just outside the gate of Yanling Palace.

Chu Yunxi's face was not to mention how cold, she looked at Chu Yuyan who blocked her way with sullen eyes.

The talented girl who used to be aloof and tall, now looks pitifully down and out.

"Sister, please help daddy, daddy won't hurt uncle, he won't do that."

Chu Yuyan has completely lost her mind at this time. Although she is known as a genius girl, she is only a 16-year-old girl. She is usually spoiled and grown up. She looks like she doesn't know the heights of the world, but she really found out when she came to reality. It's not what I thought at all.

During these three days, she had been waiting for news from His Royal Highness the Emperor's Grandson, but there was not even a single person in the Emperor's Residence.

On the contrary, outside the Ministry of Criminal Justice, many people knelt down and said that father killed uncle. If this was true, then father would definitely be executed.

With his father executed, who else in the Chu family can rely on, his younger brother is still young, and his mother is a woman without her own opinions.

So father can't die, so she went to the prince's mansion early this morning to see the emperor's eldest grandson.

But this time she couldn't even enter the gate, and the people in the prince's mansion directly said that the eldest grandson of the emperor was not in the mansion and asked her to go back.

Those people in the Prince's Mansion used to be respectful when they saw her, but this time they looked at her as if they were a shameless person.

(End of this chapter)

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