The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 286 Your face is so red, are you sick?

Chapter 286 Your face is so red, are you sick?
Yan Heng raised his hand lazily and seductively to touch his lips lightly, his expression was indescribably seductive.

Seeing his movements, Chu Yunxi's brain buzzed, and her cheeks were as red as boiled shrimp.

With a slip of her slender body, she dodged and ran away.

Behind Yan Heng's lips curled up into a Noyu smile, and he looked at Chu Yunxi who fled like a rabbit with bright eyes.

It turns out that the princess from home is so fun, not bad.

Yan Heng happily walked all the way to the place where he lived, and all the servants on the way felt the good mood of his prince.

Almost instantly, the Yanling Palace in Nuo Da knew that the prince was in a good mood today and would smile at others.

When this matter was reported to Xicang Pavilion, the old concubine thought she had heard it wrong, so she asked Lu Luo, who was waiting beside her, "You said the prince is in a good mood today, and you are still smiling?"

Because Yan Heng shouldered the burden of the Yanling Palace since he was a child, he has always been indifferent and rigorous, and rarely showed his expression in front of outsiders, so the entire Yanling Palace was very afraid of this master.

Not only the servants of the palace, but also the old concubine rarely saw Yan Heng showing any other expressions, so when she heard people talking about this, the old concubine was very surprised and told Lu Luo: "Go and check to see what happened. "

"Yes, old princess."

In the room, Yan Xueying asked the old princess with a smile on her face: "Concubine Mother, do you think something good happened to Brother Wang?"

The old concubine shook her head: "I don't know, something good should have happened, or else your brother Wang has never been kind to others."

Yan Xueying nodded in agreement, but Brother Wang always spoke coldly to her.

Apart from the old concubine and Yan Xueying, there was another person in the room, which was Liu Ruqin.

However, the old concubine and Yan Xueying seemed to have distanced themselves from Liu Ruqin, not as comfortable as before.

Liu Ruqin was annoyed in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face, she only talked with the old concubine and Yan Xueying with a smiling face.

After being reminded by Chu Yunxi last time, Yan Xueying and Liu Ruqin have always had some distance, unlike before.

In fact, Liu Ruqin is very embarrassed in Yanling Palace now, but she doesn't want to just leave like this, she likes her cousin and wants to marry him.

"Cousin must have encountered something good, so he is happy?"

Outside the house, Luluo quickly came to report: "Returning to the old princess, I heard that it has something to do with the princess. It seems that the princess said something to make the prince laugh, so the prince is so happy."

When the old princess heard this, she was very happy: "Oh, this is a good thing."

It seems that my son has taken a fancy to Chu Yunxi, and the result is not bad.

The old concubine looked at Yan Xueying while thinking and said: "Don't provoke your sister-in-law in the future, if you make her angry again, your brother Wang will not forgive you."

Yan Xueying had a bitter face, but she also resigned to her fate. She couldn't beat that woman Chu Yunxi. She couldn't beat that woman in the past, and she had no hope in the future, because Brother Wang stood beside that woman.

In the room, Liu Ruqin gritted her teeth, feeling hatred in her heart, why, why did this happen, how could my cousin like that woman, did he forget her?He said before that he wanted to marry her.

She is not reconciled, not reconciled.

In the Molan Hall, Chu Yunxi didn't know about this episode. When she returned to the west hall of the Molan Hall, she happened to run into her younger brother Chu Yunzhao.

As soon as Chu Yunzhao saw Chu Yunxi's blushing face, he asked worriedly, "Sister, your face is so red, are you sick?"

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(End of this chapter)

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